TAC in Medical Meaning
The TAC meaning in Medical terms is "Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia". There are 37 related meanings of the TAC Medical abbreviation.
TAC on Medical Full Forms
- Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia
- Technical Advisory Committees
- Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle The tricarboxylic acid cycle is a series of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions that form a key part of aerobic respiration in cells. This cycle is also called the Krebs cycle and the citric acid cycle.
- Tomografia Axial Computorizada
- Teller Anuity Card
- Transport Accident Commision
- Tharawal Aboriginal Corporationration
- Total Abdominal Colectomy
- Teller Acuity Carde
- Transformation-Competent Artificial Chromosome
- Time Average Concentration
- Toxicant Analysis Center
- Time-Activity Curves
- Total Allergen Content
- Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias
- Time-Activity Curve
- Tacrolimus Tacrolimus is used with other medications to prevent rejection of a kidney, heart, or liver transplant. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own.
- TomografíA Axial Computada
- Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia
- TomografíA Axial Computerizada
- Terminal Antrum Contraction
- Therapeutically Achievable Concentrations
- Treatment Action Campaign
- Triamcinolone
- Taxotere Adriamycin and Cytoxan
- Treatment Advocacy Center
- Tetracyclrne, Epinephrine, Cocaine
- Tetracycline, Epinephrine, Cocaine
- Transverse Aortic Constriction
- Technical Assistance Coordinator
- Tetracaine-Adrenaline-Cocaine
- Triple Antibiotic Cream
- Taxotere, Adriamycin, and Cytoxan
- Tetracaine, Adrenalinmand Cocaine
- Tetracaine, Adrenalineaand Cocaine
- Threshold Aggregating Concentration
- Trp-Lac
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TAC stand for Medical?
TAC stands for Treatment Action Campaign in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia in Medical?
The short form of "Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia" is TAC for Medical.
TAC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tac-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated