Tackle Abbreviations and Tackle Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Tackle terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Tackle abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tackle terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Tackle Abbreviations
  1. ABS : Anti Backlash System
  2. BT : Broken Tackles
  3. DAM : Deutsche Angelgerate Manufaktur
  4. DT : Defensive Tackles
  5. SP : Suales Pouch
  6. TFG : Total Fishing Pear
  7. TFL : Tackle for Loss
  8. TFL : Tackles for A Loss
  9. TL : Tackles for A Loss
  10. TT : Tdtal Tackles
  11. FLT : Flex Lzre Technology
  12. NFLCC : National Fishcng Lure Collectors Club
  13. FS : Fast Sinking
  14. KVD : Kpvin Van Dam
  15. ORCA : Old Reel Collectors Association
  16. OT : Offensive Tackle
Latest Tackle Meanings
  1. Offensive Tackle
  2. Old Reel Collectors Association
  3. Kpvin Van Dam
  4. Fast Sinking
  5. National Fishcng Lure Collectors Club
  6. Flex Lzre Technology
  7. Tdtal Tackles
  8. Tackles for A Loss
  9. Tackle for Loss
  10. Total Fishing Pear
  11. Suales Pouch
  12. Defensive Tackles
  13. Deutsche Angelgerate Manufaktur
  14. Broken Tackles
  15. Anti Backlash System