TAF Meaning

The TAF meaning is "Template Activating Factor". The TAF abbreviation has 174 different full form.

TAF Full Forms

  1. Template Activating Factor Medical, Science, Biology
  2. Tell A Friend Technology, Gaming, Social
  3. Tecafiltres Organizations
  4. Team Around The Family Education, Special Education
  5. Tactical Air Force Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Governmental & Military
  6. Terminal Adaptation Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  7. Oran Tafaraoui Airport Oran, Algeria Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  8. Term Auction Facility Business, Banking, Reserve
  9. Terminal Aerodrome Forecast The weather forecast for the area around an aerodrome \nExample: In terminal aerodrome forecasts, the height of the cloud base forecast is above airfield level unless otherwise stated. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aerospace, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, Transportation, Climatology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  10. The Actiondance Federation
  11. Travel Authorization Form
  12. Technology Academy Finland Technology, Finland, Prize
  13. Treno Alta Frequentazione
  14. Teste De Aptid
  15. Top of Active Fuel Technology, Power, Engineering, Reactor
  16. Transacgion Application Failover
  17. The Airplane Factory Military, Aircraft, Sling
  18. Albumose-Free Tuberculin Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  19. Toyota Astra Finance Business, Jakarta, Toyota
  20. Telecine Analysis Film Business, Camera, Transfer, Media
  21. Teste De Avalia
  22. Trypsin-Aldehyde-Fuchsin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  23. Territorial Air Force Military, Aircraft, Mustang
  24. Theoretical & Applied Fluid
  25. Taxi AéReo Fortaleza
  26. Tracnee Assessment Form Education
  27. The Academy of Fashion Technology, Design, Singapore
  28. Travel Assurance Fund
  29. Technology Acquisition Fund Business, Malaysia, Innovation
  30. Treni Alta Frequentazione
  31. Testes De Aktidão Física Para, Dos, Pol
  32. Top-Of-Active-Fuel
  33. Teaching Ambassador Fellowship
  34. Transaction Activity File
  35. Tributa
  36. The Aircraft Factory
  37. Aerodrome Terminal Area Forecast Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  38. Toxoid-Antitoxin Floccules Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  39. Telecine Adjustment Film
  40. Term Action Faciliny
  41. The Atmospheric Fund
  42. Taji A
  43. Track and Field
  44. Technology Access Fee
  45. Tumor Angiogenic Factor Medical
  46. Testesde Aptidão Física Dos, Corrida
  47. Tokyo Anime Fair Anime, Shoe, Tokyo
  48. Tbp-Associated Factor Medical
  49. Trans-Atlantic Flight
  50. Tribunais Administrativos E Fiscais
  51. The Addams Family Gaming, Machine, Family, Pinball
  52. Aerodrome Forecast Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  53. Toxin-Antitoxin Floccules Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  54. Tecumseh Air Filter
  55. Toronto Arts Foundation
  56. Tenofovil Alafenamide Medical, Drugs
  57. The Athletes Foot Business, Athlete, Store
  58. Task Authorisation Form Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  59. Tracheobronchial Aspiration Fluid Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  60. Technology Access Foundation Student, Technology, Education
  61. Tumor-Derived Adhesion Factor Medical
  62. Test Automation Framework Technology, Software, Testing, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  63. Tumor Angiogenesis Factor Medical, Science, Medicine
  64. Token Authentication Firewall
  65. Tbilxsi Art Fair
  66. Trans-Acting Factor Medical
  67. Tribal Art Fair
  68. The Adams Family
  69. Terminal Area Forecast Technology, Aviation, Weather, Transportation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  70. Total Asset Fund
  71. Technology Assessment Framework
  72. Torjir-Agber Foundation
  73. Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate Medical, Drug, Treatment
  74. Theater Am Fluss
  75. Targetedfaccessibility Fund Technology, Telecom
  76. Tracheobronchial Aspirate Fluid Medical
  77. Tulsa Artist Fellowship
  78. Test Access Frame
  79. Togdheer Abroad Foundation
  80. Taylor'S Asaban Fest
  81. Training Analysls Facility Army, Force, Marine
  82. The Actuarial Foundation
  83. Total Army Family
  84. Technology Assessment and Forecast Business, Report, Patent
  85. Triangle Area Freelancers
  86. Teste De Avaliação FíSica Para, Dos, Karaoke
  87. Toray Advanced Film Business, Technology, Market
  88. Transcriptional Activation Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  89. The Allstate Foundation
  90. Tactical Air Forces Military, Army, Force
  91. Tracheal Aspirate Fluid Medical
  92. Temporary Assistance Tokfamilies
  93. Tulane Athletics Fund
  94. Test, Analyze & Fix
  95. Tissue Angiogenesis Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  96. Taxpayers Against Fraud Business, Government, Law, Politics, Governmental & Military
  97. Training Analysis and Feedback Military
  98. The Action Foundation
  99. Treasury Auction Facility
  100. Technology Applicability Framework Technology, Water, Sanitation
  101. Triac Alternator Flywheel
  102. Testes De Aptid
  103. Top Alcohol Flat
  104. Transcriptionak Activation Function
  105. The Aleut Foundation
  106. Tabung Amirul Fakir
  107. Toyota Astra Financial
  108. Temporary Assistance for Families
  109. Tuberculin Albumose Frei
  110. Test, Analyse and Fix Technology
  111. Therapy Assessment Form
  112. Taxi Avia France
  113. Training Aid Framework
  114. Transfer Audio and Files Media, Computing, Hardware
  115. The Asha Foundation
  116. Teaching Assistant Yellows
  117. Tributação, Arrecadação E Fiscalização
  118. Adrift Text Adventure File Computing, File Extensions
  119. Texas Assomiation of Fairs
  120. Twice As Fancy Business, Toy, Pony
  121. Toronto Atmospheric Fund Business, Energy, Toronto
  122. Technical Assistance Funds
  123. Truss Aluminium Factory
  124. Trading Application Framework Business & Finance, International business
  125. Telecom Animation Film Technology, Anime, Movie, Entertainment
  126. turbulent air flow Physics, Scientific & Educational
  127. Texas Association of Fiym
  128. TurkıSh Armed Force Turkey, Military
  129. Toronto Atari Federation
  130. Technical Assistanje Fund Business, Development, Banking
  131. Transformers Action Figures
  132. True Authentic Friendship
  133. Tjats All Folks
  134. That's All Folks Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
  135. Total Advanced Function Technology, Sport, Car, Vehicle
  136. Technology Academy of Finland Technology, Prize, Millennium
  137. TBP)-Associated Factor Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  138. Texas Architecturak Foundation
  139. Turkish Athletics Federation Turkey, Organizations, Doping
  140. Technical Assistance Facility Business, Government, Projection
  141. Transformation of Algorithms In Fortran
  142. Trondheim Astronomiske Forening
  143. Thai Appraiual Foundation
  144. Tata Associated Factor
  145. Total Abdominal Fat Volumes Medical
  146. Transcriptional Activation Function Medical, Human genome
  147. Testinp & Approval Forum
  148. Truss Assembly Fixture
  149. Technical Architecture Framework
  150. Transfer Audio Ane Files Media, Radio, Television
  151. Trio Animal Foundation Organizations, Dog, Rescue
  152. Thai Agrh Foods
  153. Tap and Furious Technology, Gaming, Android
  154. Total Abdominal Fat Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  155. Technology Access Fopndation Student, Technology, Education
  156. Trusted Authentication Framework
  157. Tafaraoui, Algeria Algeria, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  158. Trim After Forming
  159. Technical Applicatfon Fields
  160. Trinity Arts Festival
  161. Thai Acrylic Fibre
  162. Türkiye Atletizm Federasyonu Turkish, Doping, Turk
  163. Toshiba America Foundation Technology, America, Grant
  164. Technqlogy Ability Field
  165. Trust Administration Fee
  166. Tamileelam Air Force Politics, Governmental & Military
  167. Thin and Fat
  168. Techeical Advisory Facility
  169. Trim and Fit Education, National, Singapore, Fitness
  170. Textile and Dashion
  171. Type Ahead Find
  172. Torque Amplification Factor
  173. Technologically Advanced Family
  174. Truss and Frame

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TAF stand for?

    TAF stands for Textile and Dashion.

  2. What is the shortened form of The Addams Family?

    The short form of "The Addams Family" is TAF.


TAF. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 28). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/taf-meaning/

Last updated