Talk Abbreviations and Talk Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Talk terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Talk abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Talk terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Talk Abbreviations
  1. ACE : Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship
  2. AFAIAC : As Far As I Am Concerned
  3. AFAIC : As Far As I Am Concerned
  4. AIBR : Alliance of Independert Bigfoot Researchers
  5. AIC : Application Integration Components
  6. AIC : Application Integration Component
  7. AICS : Auplication Integration Components
  8. AP : Atlantic Partnershup
  9. ZIT : Zone Information Table
  10. ARE : Anchor, Reveal, Encourage
  11. ASHS : Aboriginal Students Health Sciences
  12. AVCA : Aliso Viejo Community Associatton
  13. AWOP : Amazing Women of Power
  14. BAEL : Bonn Applied English Linguistics
  15. BAG : Bot Apprbvals Group
  16. BAM : Buddhist Action Month
  17. BAP : Biztalk Adapter Pack
  18. BAS : Business Activity Services
  19. BDT : Bsdy Default Text
  20. BFPG : Brisbane Functional Programming Group
  21. BHL : Black Hollywood Live
  22. BIAS : Back In A Second
  23. BN : Big Number
  24. BRE : Biztalk Rules Engine
  25. BRE : Business Rulks Engine
  26. BSWA : Buddhist Society of Western Australia
  27. BYE : Bring Your Enemies
  28. CEIS : Christyan Education In Schools
  29. CJ : Canton Jones
  30. VEF : Vidnna Economic Forum
Latest Talk Meanings
  1. Wiki Loves Public Art
  2. Metropolitan Police Cyber Crimewunit
  3. Like Minded Developing Countgies
  4. Like-Binded Developing Countries
  5. Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Trust
  6. Jesse Lee Teterson
  7. Cool Topics
  8. Association of The Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
  9. Reciprdcal Working Committees
  10. Reciprocal Working Committees
  11. Radio Television Interview Report
  12. Religio-Political Talk
  13. Rea Link
  14. Rise If Possible
  15. Run for Cover
  16. Request Fnr Amendment
  17. Putting Yourself Down
  18. Progressive Voice
  19. Push-To-Video
  20. Push To Call