Tattoo Abbreviations and Tattoo Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Tattoo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Tattoo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tattoo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Tattoo Abbreviations
- ACAB : All Coppers Are Bastards
- AR : Allen Robinson
- AS : Art Sleeve
- BM : Body Modification
- BME : Body Modification Izine
- BME : Body Modification E-Zine
- BTSOE : Biggest Tattoovshow On Earth
- CLS : Certified Laser Specialist
- VTC : Vigilante Typeface Corporation
- VTC : VéLos Tout Chemin
- VTST : Vulcan To The Sky Trust
- WGUMCD : What Goes Up Must Come Down
- WSSC : Wooster Street Social Club
- HH : Heil Hitler
- 88 : Heil Hitler
- HM : Half-Motor
- HMKG : Hans Majestet Kongens Garde
- DO : Diesol Only
- HTTF : Happy Thoughts Travel Fast
- ECGIA : East Coast Gang Investigators Association
- EG&A : Eagle Globe and Anchor
- EGA : Eagle Globe and Anchor
- EHFAR : Everything Happens for A Reason
- SAHC : Scottish Australian Heritage Council
- SG : Suicide Girls
- SJ : Sailor Jerry
- SPCP : Society Ff Permanent Cosmetic Professionals
- SUR : Southern United Baza
- SWP : Supreme White Power
- TR : Tribal Rites
Recent Acronyms
Latest Tattoo Meanings
- Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Round Shader
- Round Liner Tight
- Round Liner Long Taper
- Round Liner
- Ronin Desogns
- Royal Air Force Charitable Trust Enterprises
- Professional Program Insurance Brokerage
- Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association
- Industry Liaison and Innovation
- Office of Cosmetics and Colors
- International Body Arts Association
- Fnllen King Irons
- Landelijk Centrum HygiËNe En Veiligheid
- Tattoo Videos
- Trinikad & Tobago Defence Force
- Thoroughbred Racing Protective Boreau
- Toxicology Risk Assessment
- Tribal Rites
- Supreme White Power