TBBC Meaning

The TBBC meaning is "Thai Burma Border Consortium". The TBBC abbreviation has 28 different full form.

TBBC Full Forms

  1. Thai Burma Border Consortium Government, Burma, Refugee
  2. The Buckeye Baptle Cry
  3. Taiwan Britain Business Council
  4. Thai-Burma Border Consortium Government, Burma, Refugee
  5. The British Beard Club
  6. Taiwan-Britain Business Council
  7. Thailand Burma Border Consortium Organizations, Thailand, Burma, Refugee
  8. Tabung Bayaran Balik Cukai Malaysia, Polis, Guan
  9. Tabernacle Baptist Bible College
  10. Thailand Burmese Border Consortium
  11. Theydon Bois Baptist Church
  12. Thailand-Burma Border Consortium Thailand, Burma, Refugee
  13. The Burmese Border Consortium
  14. Talking Book & Braille Center Service, Education, Library
  15. The Big Blog Company
  16. Turtle Bay Beach Club
  17. Tampa Bay Business Committee
  18. Trothy Bonded Bear Claw Military, Ammo, Bullet, Ammunition
  19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders
  20. The Brainy Brands Co
  21. Trinity Baptist Bible College
  22. Tampa Bay Brewing Company
  23. The Brainy Brands Company
  24. Traditional Bowhunters of British Columbia
  25. Tampa Bay Boxer Club
  26. The Bombay Bicycle Club
  27. Talking Book and Braille Center Technology, Service, Library
  28. The Big Book Club

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBBC stand for?

    TBBC stands for Taiwan Britain Business Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tampa Bay Business Committee?

    The short form of "Tampa Bay Business Committee" is TBBC.


TBBC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbbc-meaning/

Last updated