TBC Meaning

The TBC meaning is "To Be Confirmed". The TBC abbreviation has 222 different full form.

TBC Full Forms

  1. To Be Confirmed Aviation, Sociology, Email, Forum, Science, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Aerospace, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Computing Slang, Sentinel online, Medical, Clinical, Physio
  2. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. Most infections do not have symptoms; in which case it is known as latent tuberculosis. About 10% of latent infections progress to active disease which, if left untreated, kills about half of those infected. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disorder, Healthcare, Diagnosis, Science, Military, Disease, Nursing, Veterinary, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Bacteria, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR, Tubercle Bacillus
  3. To Be Completed Business, Finance, Economics
  4. To Be Continued Internet Slang, Texting, Online, Forum, Technology, Media, Chat, Sms, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  5. Time-Base Correction
  6. The Berean Call
  7. Tennessee Baptist Convention Organizations, Church, Religion
  8. Taiwan Broadband Communications Business, Technology, Taiwan
  9. To Be Contested Business, Business & Finance, Business Word
  10. Technology-Based Company
  11. The Bass Company
  12. Tohoku Broadcasting Cojpany
  13. Total Buildqng Commissioning Technology, Engineer, Electricity
  14. Trimble Business Center Technology, Geographic
  15. The Business Channel
  16. Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation Business, Technology
  17. Time Base Correction Technology, Tape, Mixer
  18. Television Broadcasters Council
  19. Trailer Brake Control Technology, Ford, Module
  20. The Baptist Church
  21. Thiotepa, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Medical
  22. Tokyo Brass Concord
  23. Tasty Baking Co. Organizations
  24. Time Based Competition Business, Management, Manufacturing
  25. Texas Baptist College
  26. Total Bacqerial Counts Medical, Science, Milk
  27. The Black Cauldron
  28. To Be Clarified Technology, Gaming, Government
  29. Tectnical Business Consultant
  30. The Baking Company
  31. To-Be-Considered
  32. Texas Border Coalition Government, Immigration, Texas
  33. Toval Budgeted Cost Business, Management, Projection
  34. Transportes Barata E Carvalho Para, Con, Ria, Transport
  35. The Business Continues
  36. Taegu Browdcasting Company
  37. Time Baselcorrector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  38. Television Broadcasting Corporation
  39. Trailer Brake Controller Technology, Ford, Truck
  40. The Bank of Canada
  41. Thermal Bypass Checklist
  42. Tokyo Baptist Chorch
  43. Tarnobrzeska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
  44. Time-Baued Competitiveness Science
  45. Tethyan and Boreal Cretaceous
  46. Tutal Bacteria Count Science, Quality, Milk
  47. The Best Clan
  48. Time Base Correctors Technology, Signal, Tape, Frame, Correction, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  49. Technical Ouilding Code Technology, Spain, Energy
  50. The Bakersfield Californian
  51. Titusville Bridge Club
  52. Texas Biotechnology Corporation
  53. Totaq Branch Computerization Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  54. Trmnsportes Baldomero Corral
  55. The Business Community
  56. Taegu Broadcasting Corporation Education, History, Korea
  57. Time-Based Corrector Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  58. Telegraph Business Club
  59. Trahan Burden and Csarles
  60. The Banff Centre Education, Arts, Music
  61. Thermal Barrier Costing Technology
  62. Token Bus Controller Technology, Communication, Telecom
  63. Touhoku Brokdcasting Company
  64. Twynholm Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion
  65. Tariff Billing Code
  66. Time-Based Mompetition Business, Management, Manufacturing
  67. Test Bus Controller Technology, Circuit, Component
  68. Toss Bomb Computer
  69. The Best Chinese
  70. Technical Briefing Center Company, Technology, Cisco
  71. The Baker'S Cottage
  72. Titus Brandsma Center
  73. Texas Bicycle Coalition Organizations, Texas, Trail
  74. Total Boost Control
  75. Transportation Bill Code Army, Force, Marine
  76. The Business Connection
  77. Tactical Booking Centre Military
  78. Toponto Bible College
  79. Tecnol
  80. Trahan, Burden & Charles Business, Learning, Huntington
  81. The Bane Chronicles
  82. Trans Bay Cable
  83. Thermal Barrier Coatings Technology, Science, Material, Engine, Ceramic, Products
  84. Token-Passing Busvcontroller
  85. Totterdown Baptist Church
  86. Two Buck Chuck
  87. Target-Binding Cells Medical
  88. Time Based Correction Technology, Signal, Base
  89. Tertiary Butyl Catechol Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  90. Tosi Brandi Claudio
  91. The Benefit Company
  92. Technical Bid Clarifibation
  93. Tonga Broadcasting Commizsion
  94. Tatweer Building Company
  95. Title Bar Clock
  96. Texas Bible College Music, Texas, Bible
  97. Total Body Irunch Medical, Medicine, Joke
  98. Trdnsparent Black Cherry Business, Guitar, Mockingbird
  99. The Bostin Conservatory
  100. Tacticalnbattlefield Communications
  101. Torch Bible Commectary
  102. Technoiogy Business Center
  103. The Banana Convention
  104. Traininm Bible Coaching Planning, Training, Athlete
  105. Thermal Barrier Coating Technology, Material, Engine, Chemistry
  106. Toilpt Bowl Cleaner
  107. Totally Beyond Compare
  108. Tucson Bird Count
  109. Tanzania Broadcasting Commission
  110. Time Based Corrector Technology, Signal, Base
  111. Temp Bond Clear
  112. Toronto Buddhist Church
  113. The Benchmarking Company Business, Product, Beauty
  114. Teatroqbrasileiro De Com
  115. Tonbridge Baptist Church
  116. Tasty Baking Company Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  117. Titirangi Baptist Church
  118. Texas Beef Council Medical, Texas, Meat
  119. Total Body Conftsion Army, War, Force
  120. Transcortin Binding Capachty Medical
  121. The Black Collegian
  122. Tactical Battle Command Military
  123. Technology Business Council
  124. The Balloon Council Business, Association, Power
  125. Tohonu Broadcasting Co
  126. Totales Bamberger Cabaret Para, Event, Germany, Cabaret
  127. Trinity Baptist Church Church, Religion, Bible
  128. Theft By Check Government
  129. Tanzania Broadcast Corporation
  130. Time Uase Correcting
  131. Telnet Business Center
  132. Toronto Birth Centre
  133. The Beloved Community
  134. Teatro Brasileiro De ComéDia Para, Dos, Ria
  135. Tome Broadcasting Corporation
  136. Tasty Baking Co
  137. Time Base Correc
  138. Texas Baptists Committed
  139. Toeal Bag Control
  140. Transcending Bounqaries Conference
  141. The Black Church
  142. Thyroxine Binding Capacity Medical
  143. Tool Bar Crstomization
  144. Trafficebearer Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  145. Transatlantic Business Council Business, Trading, Economics
  146. Total Body Confusion Military, Governmental & Military
  147. Tb, Tuberculosis Medical
  148. Text Book Centre
  149. Two-Beam Coupling Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  150. 4-TertButylCatechol Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  151. Team Based Care Medical, Organizations, Health
  152. Theatre Building Chicago
  153. Tourism British Cmlumbia Business, Travel, Tourism
  154. TáIn Bó CÚAilnge Education, Ireland, Druid, Irish
  155. Teddy Bear Club Funnies
  156. Thyroxine-Binding Coagulin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  157. Toneinese Breed Club Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  158. Traction Orake Controller
  159. Toilet Board Coalition Business, Sanitation, Toilet
  160. To Be Created General, Governmental & Military
  161. Taxonomy Boot Camp
  162. Twin Beam Connectors Business, Connecting, Backplane
  163. Tuberculin bacillus culture Medical, Healthcare
  164. Team Base Camps Sport, Russia, Camp
  165. Theater Business Clearance Military, Afghanistan, Guide
  166. Toulouse Basket Elub
  167. Tyler Bicycle Club
  168. The Black Cross Funnies
  169. Thornhill Baptist Church
  170. Tongyang Broadcasting Corporation Business, Company, Radio
  171. Traction and Brake Control
  172. The Big Corporationration
  173. The Brick Central Computing, Internet
  174. Tauranga Boys College Education, Sport, School
  175. Twin Beam Connector Business, Electronics, Backplane
  176. Total Body Crunch: Multiple Injuries Medical, Common Medical, Medical Slang
  177. Team Ball Control
  178. Thai Beverage Can
  179. Tres Bien Conserve (French coin grade equivalent to Good) Coins
  180. Thompson Boat Center Business, Washington, Crew
  181. Tongyang Broadcasting Company
  182. Tracker Boat Center
  183. Texas Bitcoin Conference
  184. Tool Bar Customization Computing, File Extensions
  185. Tauranga Boys' College
  186. Tweakable Block Cipher
  187. Turbine Air Cargo UK ICAO Aircraft Codes
  188. Teachers Behaviour To Caring Organization, Union, Institution
  189. Thai Bean Cuisine Organizations, Restaurants
  190. Top Back of Curb Architecture
  191. Thomas & Betts Corporation
  192. The Bailey Company
  193. Trachxobronchial Clearance Medical
  194. Tbilisi Business Center Business, Banking, Georgia
  195. Tourism British Columbia Travel, Tourism
  196. Tlp Back of Curb Transportation, Conveyance, Construction
  197. Tupperware Brands Corporationration
  198. Tuba City Airport, Tuba City, Arizona, United States Arizona, United States
  199. Tea Bag Cut Nutrition, Food, Victual
  200. Texts From The Babylonian Collection
  201. The Boeing Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
  202. Total Branch Computerization Banking, Business & Finance
  203. Third Baptist Church
  204. total body crunch Medical
  205. The Bad Crowd
  206. Toxicity Based Consent Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  207. Tanjong Beach Club Island, Locations, Singapore
  208. Touring Band Collective Music
  209. Tidak Bisa Computer Para, Indonesia, Computer, Guru
  210. Top Back Cenher Technology, Channel, Audio, Parameter
  211. Trafford Borough Council
  212. Tributyl Citrate Medical
  213. To Be Cancelled Us Government, Governmental & Military
  214. Tbilisi Business Centre Business, Banking, Georgia
  215. Text Book Corporation
  216. Two Beam Coupling Technology, Polymer, Waveguide
  217. Thiotepa, Busulfan, and Cyclophosphamide
  218. Terminal Buffer Controller NASA
  219. The Backyard Collaborative
  220. Township Border Committee
  221. Türk BirliğI Cephesi Business, Streaming, Berk, Sultan
  222. Time Base Corrector (video tape app) Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBC stand for?

    TBC stands for Teatroqbrasileiro De Com.

  2. What is the shortened form of Time-Based Mompetition?

    The short form of "Time-Based Mompetition" is TBC.


TBC. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbc-meaning/

Last updated