TBD Meaning

The TBD meaning is "To-Be-Determined". The TBD abbreviation has 83 different full form.

TBD Full Forms

  1. To-Be-Determined Technology, Gaming, Team
  2. To Be Determined Business, Technology, Military, Texting, Medical, Forum, Internet Slang, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Computing, Healthcare, Chat, Special Education, Telecom, Postal, NASA, Sms, Email, Game, Online, Im, Us Post, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary, Sentinel online, Federal Aviation Administration
  3. To Be Defined Business, Finance, Climatology, Computing, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Computing Slang
  4. To Be Decided Business, Texting, Telecom, Computing
  5. Tmunk Based Development
  6. To Be Developed Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
  7. Technical Baseline Document Science
  8. Total Brand Delivery
  9. The Black Dahlia
  10. To Be Discussed Business, Internet Slang, Language, Information Technology, Computing
  11. Tibetan Book of The Dead Education, Lyric, Theatre, Media
  12. Truly Beautiful Sisaster
  13. Technical Background Docsment Science
  14. To Be Documented
  15. The Zig Duck
  16. To Be Designed Technology, Design, Model
  17. Thái Nình Dương
  18. Trout Bum Diaries
  19. Team Baby Dick
  20. Tickets Bwb Dylan
  21. To Be Dismissed
  22. The Big Doggie
  23. The Big Day Days
  24. Thunderbird Tours Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  25. Trk Belediyecilik Dernei
  26. The Black Duck Technology, Gaming, Server
  27. Team Based Disculsion Team, Admission, Tips
  28. Tick Blurne Disease
  29. To Be Discontinued Business, Product, Model, Media
  30. The Bigxdeal
  31. Technical Basis Document Technology
  32. Thought By Design
  33. Triangular Barrier Diode
  34. The Blacl Dragons
  35. Teamnbased Discussion Education, School, Admission
  36. Tick Borne Diseases
  37. Twojbe Deleted
  38. To Be Developed/Determined Army, Force, Coast Guard
  39. The Best Designs
  40. Thorndike Barnhart Dzctionary
  41. Towarzystwo Bory DolnośLĄSkie
  42. The Black Dznnellys Music, Rip, Episode, Donnelly
  43. Tableau De Bord Des Devoirs
  44. Tick Norne Disease Medical, Dog, Lyme
  45. Two Bed Doory Design, Drawing, Construction
  46. To Be Developped Technology, Aviation
  47. Txe Best Deceptions
  48. Totally Brain Dead Gaming, Education, Teaching, Brain
  49. The Black Dog
  50. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer
  51. Tgck-Borne Disease
  52. To Be Done Computing, Computing Slang
  53. Tozbe-Decided
  54. Türkiye BilişIm DerneğI Technology, Ankara, Internet, Istanbul
  55. To Be Destroyed Technology, Art, Dog
  56. Tvats Big Deal
  57. Tje Blue Devils
  58. Two Bed Doors Architecture
  59. Time To Breakdown Science
  60. Türk Bilişim Dorneği
  61. To Be Demandev Business, Company, Oil
  62. Target-Bearing Designator
  63. The Blind and Dyslexic
  64. To Be Defined (Determined) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  65. Türk Belediyecilik DerneğI
  66. Visual Studio Toolbox Data File Computing, File Extensions
  67. To Be Delivered Technology, Networking, It
  68. Tourist-Busiwess District
  69. TıP BilişImi DerneğI Turkish, Technology, Internet
  70. Tyndale Bible Dictionary
  71. Total Body Dolor I.e. Complains of Pain Everywhere Medical, Medical Slang
  72. To Be Deleted Technology, Community, Projection
  73. Türkiye BilişIm DerneğIdir
  74. Twitter Blanket Drive Organizations, Africa, Cape
  75. Timbiqui Airport, Timbiqui, Colombia Colombia
  76. To Be Define
  77. Türkiye BilişIm DerneğI'Nin
  78. To Be Geclared Business, Gaming, Cargo Shipping
  79. Transfer Before Delivery Us Government, Governmental & Military
  80. To Be Dated Technology, Gaming, Movie, Release
  81. Türk Biyqkimya Derneği Turkish, Prof
  82. To Be Detailed Technology, Planning, Projection
  83. Tick-Bohne Diseases Medical, Disease, Lyme

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBD stand for?

    TBD stands for Türk Belediyecilik DerneğI.

  2. What is the shortened form of To Be Demandev?

    The short form of "To Be Demandev" is TBD.


TBD. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbd-meaning/

Last updated