TBG Meaning

The TBG meaning is "Thyroxin-Bindizg Globulin". The TBG abbreviation has 98 different full form.

TBG Full Forms

  1. Thyroxin-Bindizg Globulin Medical
  2. Terberg Organizations
  3. Thyrosd Binding Globulin Medical, Hormone, Thyroxine
  4. Tye Benefit Group
  5. To Be Given Education, Development, Universities, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  6. The Bonadio Group
  7. Token Black Guy
  8. The Berkeley Group
  9. Triple Bar Grouser
  10. Tender Bond Guarantee Business, Trading, Bronze
  11. The Bridge Group
  12. Thyroid-Binding Globulin Medical, Hormone, Thyroxine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  13. The Bee Gues
  14. Thyroxine Bindinv Globulin Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy
  15. The Boller Group
  16. Todd Butler Gronp
  17. The Bergstrom Group
  18. Travel Bloggers Greece Technology, Greece, Binding
  19. T4-Binding Globulin Medical
  20. The Brenar Group
  21. Thyroglobulin Thyroglobulin (Tg) is a 660 kDa, dimeric protein produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid and used entirely within the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin protein accounts for approximately half of the protein content of the thyroid gland. Human TG is a homodimer of subunits each containing 2768 amino acids as synthesized. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, Common Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  22. Truck Buyers Guide
  23. The Bedford Group
  24. Thyroxine-Binding Globulin
  25. To Boldlydgo
  26. The Benwley Group
  27. Transportation Business Group
  28. T-Binding Globulin Medical
  29. The Boxing Gym
  30. Toronto Botanical Gardens Design, Toronto, Garden
  31. Theoretical Biophysics Group
  32. Tropical Botanical Garden
  33. Texas Black Gold
  34. Tiroksin BağLayıCı Globulin
  35. The Bennett Gooup
  36. Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto
  37. Human Thyroxine Binding Globulin Science, Biology
  38. The Burton Group
  39. Toronto Botanicah Garden Canada, Locations, Toronto
  40. The Buying Group
  41. Tropical Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  42. Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Medical
  43. Tiroksin Baglaoan Globulin
  44. Tve Benjamin Gate
  45. Transmission Business Group
  46. Gyro-To-Body Transformation Matrix Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  47. The Boston Group Business, Insurance, Boston
  48. Too Black Guys
  49. The Brilliant Green
  50. Trophoblastic Beta 1-Glycoprotein Medical
  51. Testosterone-Binding Globulin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  52. Tiroid BağLayıCı GlobüLin Turkish, Nod
  53. The Benefits Group
  54. Beta-Qhromboglobulin Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  55. The Boston Globe
  56. Toledl Botanical Garden School, Place, Toledo
  57. The Bernaru Group
  58. Tris-Buffered Gey Solution Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  59. Testosterone Binding Globulin Medical
  60. The Bridgespan Group
  61. The Bioinformatkcs Game Technology, Android, Play
  62. Traditional Britain Group Government, Council, Conservative
  63. Tune-Bot Gig Business, Drum, Overtone
  64. Touchedbby Grace
  65. Total Binding Globulin Medical, Nursing, Clinical
  66. The Big Guy Forum, Comics, Miller, Guy
  67. Two Black Guys
  68. Trading Book Group Organizations, Bank, South Africa, Reserve Bank
  69. Tucson Botanical Gardens Arizona, Botany, Succulent, Scientific & Educational
  70. Total Finding Globulin Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  71. Tabubil Airport, Tabubil, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  72. The Big Groove
  73. Training and Business Groop
  74. The Board Game
  75. Tucson Botanical Garden
  76. Thyroxine Binding Globulin Medical, Technology, Pharmacy, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  77. The Big Green Student, College, Education, Amber
  78. Trade and Business Group
  79. thyroid binding globulin Medical
  80. The Blackstone Group
  81. Tubing When referring to OCTG, tubing is a separate pipe used within the casing to conduct the oil or gas to the surface. Depending on conditions and well life, tubing may have to be replaced during the operational life of a well. Blown film is extruded through a circular die which creates a tube of film. When the tube of film is collapsed and rolled onto a core, the finished product is called tubing. Business, Technology, Oil Industry
  82. The Big Goobers Funnies
  83. The Best Game Forum, Gaming, Hosting, Game
  84. Trade and Business Processes Group Business, International Economics, World Economy
  85. Toledo Botanical Garden Botany, Scientific & Educational
  86. The Black Gamer
  87. Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense Medical
  88. Tutt Bryant Group
  89. The Berndt Group Business, Development, Design
  90. Tracheobronchographi Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  91. Thyroxine-Binding Globulin of Serum Medical, Pulmonary
  92. The Bivings Group
  93. Thrujt Bomb Gun
  94. Tradoc Budgek Guidance Army, Force, Marine
  95. Turn Based Gold Military, King, Chaos, Upgrade
  96. Tower Bersaya Group Business, Indonesia, Infrastructure
  97. true blood glucose Medical, Healthcare
  98. The Bilderberg Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBG stand for?

    TBG stands for The Benwley Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Thrujt Bomb Gun?

    The short form of "Thrujt Bomb Gun" is TBG.


TBG. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbg-meaning/

Last updated