TBK Meaning

The TBK meaning is "The Beautiful Kind". The TBK abbreviation has 35 different full form.

TBK Full Forms

  1. The Beautiful Kind Sex, Blogger, Kind, Sexuality
  2. Truth Be Known
  3. Trk Borlar Kanunu
  4. Take Back Kentucky
  5. The Bouncy Killer
  6. Total Body Potassium Medical, Technology, Medicine
  7. Tactical Backpack Kit Military, Dynamics, Dynamic
  8. The Black Knights Forum, Technology, Gaming
  9. Tactical Backpack Kit-B
  10. The Black Keys
  11. Taco Burrito King Business, Chicago, Restaurant
  12. The Big Kahuna
  13. Türk Barış Kuvvetleri Turkish, Eden
  14. Torture, Blood, Kill
  15. The Biggest Kid
  16. TrøNdelag Bildende Kunstnere
  17. Thomas Bohier and Katherine
  18. Taman Baca Kesiman Library, Bali, Bale
  19. Foxpro Memo Backup Computing, File Extensions
  20. Temple B'Rith Kodesh Religion
  21. Transmission Bearing Kits Business, Rod, Peugeot
  22. Toolbook File Computing, File Extensions
  23. Türk BorçLar Kanununun Antalya, Turk, Turkish
  24. Transmission Bearing Kit Business, Rod, Engine
  25. Technische Bedrijfskunde Dutch
  26. Türk BorçLar Kanunu Turkish, Antalya, Turk
  27. Traditional Bushcraft Kit Adventure, Store, Survival, Kit
  28. Timber Creek, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  29. Türk Barış Kuvvetlerinin
  30. Top Brand for Kids Business, Indonesia, Food, Sari
  31. Tranga Boy Koen Funnies
  32. Tool Builder Kit
  33. Tolland Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  34. Turn-Based Knight Gaming, Military, Battle, Play
  35. Truck Bearing Kibble

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBK stand for?

    TBK stands for Total Body Potassium.

  2. What is the shortened form of The Beautiful Kind?

    The short form of "The Beautiful Kind" is TBK.


TBK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbk-meaning/

Last updated