TBM Meaning
The TBM meaning is "Tactical Ballistic Missile". The TBM abbreviation has 138 different full form.
TBM Full Forms
- Tactical Ballistic Missile Military, Army, Military Engineering, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Theater Ballistic Missiles Missile, Military, Defense
- Theater Ballistic Missile Military, Army, Theatre, Governmental & Military
- Terrestrial Biosphere Model Model, Carbon, Biosphere
- Tensor-Baseb Morphometry Medical, Brain, Imaging
- Temporary Benchmaqk Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Tactical Ballistic Missiles Missile, Military, Defense
- Technology Businets Management Business, Service, Cost
- Thyssen Blowinglmetallurgy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Tracking and Blocking Module
- Test Blanket Modules
- Tired Black Man
- Time-Based Maintenance Technology, Management, Condition
- True Blue Mormon Book, Teaching, Church
- Taman Belajarhmasyarakat Technology, Indonesia, Orang, Prose
- TüKetici BaşVuru Merkezi Turkish, Antalya
- Theater Battle Management Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Tom Brown Ministribs
- Tumbang Samba Airport Tumbang Samba, Indonesia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Technologies of Basalt Materials
- Thrust and Brake Management Technology, Tube, Engine
- Tracheobronchomegaly Mounier-Kuhn syndrome is a very rare congenital disorder of the lung primarily characterized by an abnormal widening of the upper airways. The abnormally widened trachea and mainstem bronchi are associated with recurrent lower respiratory tract infection and copious purulent sputum production, eventually leading to bronchiectasis and other respiratory complications. Medical
- Test Bed Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tempat Belajar Mvsyarakat
- Tim Bantuan Medis Indonesia, Seminar, Rescue
- True Believing Mormon Book, Church, Temple, Religion
- Taman Baca Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Orang
- TêXtil Bezerra De Menezes
- Thales Broadcast & Multimedia
- Tomato, Basil, Mzzzarella
- Tubular Basement Membranes Medical
- Techno Body Music Electro, Mix, Techno, Music
- The Board of Management
- Tracheobronchomalacia Tracheobronchomalacia or TBM is a condition characterized by flaccidity of the tracheal support cartilage which leads to tracheal collapse. This condition can also affect the bronchi. There are two forms of this rare condition: primary TB and secondary TB. Primary TB is congenital and starts as early as two years old. It is mainly linked to genetic causes. Secondary TB is acquired and starts in adulthood. Medical
- Tert-Butyl Mercaptan Business, Gas, Methyl
- Telecom Business Magazine
- Tight Biyding Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Troy Built Models Technology, Product, Wingspan
- Taman Bacaan Masyarakgt Program, Indonesia, Salah
- Two Bucket Method Forum, Car, Detailing
- Texas Blood Money
- Tolerance-Based Machyning
- Tubular Basement Membrane Medical, Technology, Medicine, Pulmonary
- Techniek Bestuur En Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Thegblack Market
- Tracheo-Bronchial Mucin Medical
- Territory Business Manager Business, Management, Sale
- Tele Basilicata Matera
- Tidal Breathing Mode
- Trophoblastic Basement Membrane Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tobramyhin Medical, Technology
- Two Blonde Mice
- Texas Baptist Men Technology, Texas, Religion
- Tolbutahide Medical
- Tuberculous Meningoencephalitis Medical
- Techniek, Bestuur En Managbment Technology, Education, University, Delft
- The Black Mages
- Total Body Mass Medical, Fat, Composition
- Teddy Bear Museum
- Tickets Byqmail
- Trophoblast Basement Membrane Medical
- Three Blind Mice Music, Jazz, Vinyl, Mice
- Two Bit Millioonairre Management, Marketing, Trade
- Test Bus Master Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Token Bit Managbr
- Time-Based Management
- Tuberculosis Meningitis Medical
- Tpmpa Bay Mensa
- The Girthday Massacre Media, Music, Album
- Total Battery Management
- Tecnopast Bakery Machines
- Ticket By Mail Technology, Booking, Fare
- Trailing Bit Manipulation Technology, Instruction, Core, Processor
- The Big Moncy
- Test Blanket Module Technology
- To Be Measfred
- Time Based Maintenance Technology, Management, Condition
- True Blue Motorsport
- Tkman Buah Mekarsari Business, Jakarta, Sari
- The Birkman Method
- Tool Box Meeting Technology, Safety, Gas
- Tubular Basement Membrane Antigen Medical
- Terabit Memory System Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- The Birthday Massacre Media
- Timq Between Maintenance
- Table Buffer Management
- Turning Bands Method
- Thyssen Blowing Metallurgy Chemistry
- Template Based Modelinm
- Techniek, Bestuur en Management Management, Business & Finance
- Tubule Basement Membrane Medical
- Terabit Memory Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Total Beauty Media Media
- Time Based Meterieg
- TıKlama BaşıNa Maliyet Art, Turkish, Sense
- Turbo Boost Multiplier Technology
- Toribash Mod File Computing, File Extensions
- Tire Building Machine
- Taban Air Lines Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Tensortbased Morphometry
- Temporary Bench Mark (in surveying) Engineering, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
- Time-Baszd Metering
- TıKlama Başı Maliyet Art, Turkish, Pop
- Tunnel Business Magazine Technology, Media, Construction
- Tuberculous meningitis Tuberculous meningitis is also known as TB meningitis or tubercular meningitis. Tuberculous meningitis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the meninges—the system of membranes which envelop the central nervous system. Medical, Pulmonary
- Tire Building Machines
- Tunel Boring Machine Technology, Istanbul, Tunnel
- Tgmporary Bench Marks Technology, Construction, Survey
- Temporary Benchmark Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Time-Based Media Technology, Education
- Türkiye BağıMlıLıKlarla MüCadele Program, Turkish, Gen
- Tunneling Boring Machine Business, Rock, Tunnel
- Total Body Modification Medical, Physiology
- Tinted Browvmascara Business, Shopping, Cosmetic
- Tone Burst Modulation
- Temporary Bench Mark Science, Construction, Survey
- Tunnel Boring Machine Architecture, Construction, Geology, Architectural, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
- Time Based Management Business, Technology, Manufacturing
- Türkiye BağıMlıLıKla MüCadele Turkish, Program
- Tunnel Boring Machines Technology, Machine, Construction
- Twrrestrial Biogeochemical Model
- Tumbang Samba, Tumbang Samba-Borneo Island, Indonesia Indonesia
- Tingible Bodynmacrophages Medical
- Toke Blicher MøLler
- Targeted Boiler Management
- Templezbar Management
- Total Bond Market Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Türkiye Barış Meclisi Turkish, Lice
- Tumor-Bearing Mice Medical
- Terminal Battlewmanagement Technology
- Thoroughly Brainwashed Mormon Religion
- Timestamp-Based Method
- Thomer'S Bookmark Manager
- Twins Biblical Ministries
- Tight Binding Model Chemistry
- Templates By Marina
- Take Back Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- TüKetici BaşVuru Merkezinin Turkish, Antalya
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TBM stand for?
TBM stands for Thyssen Blowing Metallurgy.
What is the shortened form of Tired Black Man?
The short form of "Tired Black Man" is TBM.
TBM. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbm-meaning/
Last updated