TBS Meaning

The TBS meaning is "The Basic School". The TBS abbreviation has 325 different full form.

TBS Full Forms

  1. The Basic School Military, Army, War, Marine Corps
  2. Taste Buds Medical
  3. Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Business, Malaysia, Zakat
  4. Turn Based Strategy Technology, Gaming, Video Game Genre
  5. Technical Bulletins Business, Technology, Service, Military, Product
  6. To Be Supplied Technology, Construction, Architectural, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  7. Turn-Based Stpategy Technology, Gaming, Play
  8. Therapeutic Behavioral Services Medical, Service, Therapeutic
  9. The Body Shop Business, Product, Beauty
  10. Temple Beth Sholom Community, Jewish, Temple
  11. Temple Beth Shalom
  12. To Be Selected Science
  13. Turner Broadcasting Service
  14. Tablespoon An old-fashioned but convenient household measure of capacity that is equal to about 15 cc of liquid. Medical, Medicine, Health, Kitchen, Units Of Measurement, Drugs, Food, Measurement, Common Medical, Pharmacy, Reading Prescription, Computing, Unix commands, Cooking
  15. Toulouse Business School Business, Program, Education
  16. The Bottle Shop
  17. Travel Bugx
  18. Technical Building Serpices
  19. Therapeutic Boarding Schools
  20. Trinromsalicylanilide Medical
  21. Ter Beschikking Stelling
  22. Total Benchmark Solution
  23. Talking Book Services
  24. The Bestostunts
  25. Tractor Brake Slack
  26. Telecom Bus Serializer
  27. Tnpe Backup System
  28. Teghnology Business Solutions Business, Service, Networking
  29. Throttle Body Service
  30. Troublesome Behavior Scqle Medical
  31. Texas Battleground Series
  32. Total Business Solution Business, Company, Service
  33. The Body Ahoppe
  34. Translational Biomedical Sciencev
  35. The Buffalo Soldiers
  36. Telephone Back-Up Shstem Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  37. Toon Boom Storyboard
  38. Turner Broadcasting Systems Technology, Networking, Network
  39. The Beastmaster Station
  40. Toxic Broadcast System
  41. Tarım Bilgi Svstemi Turkish, Internet, Tablet
  42. To De Scheduled Technology, Service, Channel, Episode
  43. Turner Broadcast System Technology, Networking, Broadcasting
  44. Tower Busters Medical, Energy, Crystal, Tower
  45. Touchlessnbiometric System Business, Security, Fingerprint
  46. The Boston Society
  47. Travel Booking System
  48. Tichnical Briefing Seminar
  49. Therapeutic Boarding School
  50. Tribromosalicylanilide Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  51. Terabit Bursi Switching
  52. Toronto Blues Society
  53. Talk Between Ships Military, History, Radio, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  54. The Best Start
  55. Tracker Bias Supply
  56. Telecom Business Solutions
  57. Tanzanian Bureau of Standards
  58. Technology Based Solutions
  59. Throttle Body Spacer Business, Forum, Power
  60. Tropical Broadleaf Seasonal Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  61. Texas Bbt Silver
  62. Total Business Salutions
  63. Tampalbay Saltwater Rock, Aquarium, Reef
  64. The Blue Screbn
  65. Translational Biomedical Science
  66. The British School Education, School, Rehab, Cairo
  67. Telematic and Biomedical Services Technology, Service, Telematics
  68. Tool Box Solution
  69. The Beach School Education
  70. Townsend Building Services
  71. Tarun Bharat Sangh Organizations, India, Water
  72. Tobacco Burst Steql
  73. Turner Broadcasting Sytem
  74. Touchless Biopetric Systems Business, Technology, Security
  75. The Bostonian Societi
  76. Traves Blog Success Travel, Blogger, Blogging
  77. Taxila Business School
  78. Therapeutic Behavioral Specialist
  79. Tri Bakti Sarimas Technology, Indonesia, Orang
  80. Tension Botus System
  81. Toronto Baptist Seminary Education, Religion, Toronto
  82. Talk-Between-Ships Military, War, Battle
  83. The Benefit Solution Business, Windows, Android
  84. Tracheobronchoscopy Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
  85. Tanzania Bureau of Standard Technology, Food, Tanzania
  86. Technology & Business Solutions Technology, Service, Network
  87. Throttle Body Spacers Business, Forum, Power
  88. Trinitarian Bible Society Bible, Tract, Scripture
  89. Tnxas Bariatric Specialists
  90. Total Building System
  91. Tamoxifen Binding Sites Medical
  92. The Blower Shop Business, Performance, Supercharger
  93. Transition Behavpor Scale
  94. Telematic Biomedilal Services
  95. Tokyo Business School
  96. The Battle Simulator Military, Operation, Slam
  97. Tariff Based System Business, Industrial, Pakistan
  98. Tobaccoobrown Sunburst Business, Guitar, Yamaha
  99. Turner Broadcasting System Technology, Networking, Telecom, Media
  100. Tbilisi International Airport Tbilisi, Georgia Coding, Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Georgia, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  101. Thares Business School
  102. Toujhed By Sound Technology, Music, Love
  103. The Boondocq Saints
  104. Travel and Business Servzce
  105. Tax and Business Service Business, Company, Financial
  106. The Business School
  107. Triangle Blues Society Organizations, Music, Durham
  108. Tension Band Ststem Business, Price, Camping, Tent
  109. Torcida Boca Suja
  110. Talent Businessvsolutions
  111. The Behavior Statmon
  112. Tracheobronchial Submucosa Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  113. To Be Studied Medical, Health, Protein
  114. Turner Business Services
  115. Tanzania Bureau of Stawdards Business, Technology, Tanzania
  116. Traylor Business Services
  117. Technological Business Solutions
  118. Thriwt Banks Business, Banking, Philippine, Loan
  119. Triggerabge Behavior Set
  120. Texas Barcode Yystems
  121. Total Building Systems
  122. Tawan Budaya Sentawar
  123. Thy Bidgee School Education
  124. Transitional Bnndled Service
  125. Telematic & Biomedical Servipes Business, Company, Service
  126. Tokyo Broadcasting System Business, Military, Organizations, Tokyo
  127. The Bassrshufflers
  128. Target Toat Speed
  129. Titanium Bowl Set Technology, Product, Camping
  130. Trze Buddha School
  131. Texas Bluebird Society
  132. Totally Boring Story Media, Radio, Television
  133. The Book Service Business, Price, Publisher
  134. Trap Barrier System Trap, Rice, Rats
  135. The Business Solution
  136. Triangle Biophysics Symposium
  137. Tensile Bond Strfngths Medical
  138. Toplu Beslenme Servisi
  139. Tal Banking Settors Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  140. The Beer Store Business, Canada, Brewer
  141. Tracheobronchial Secretions Medical
  142. Tax and Business Services
  143. To Be Stopped
  144. Turner Broadcast Station Technology, Networking, Channel
  145. Travel Bus Service
  146. Teuhnische Betriebe Suhr
  147. Three Bridgem School
  148. Triethanolamine-Buffered Saline Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  149. Tetrabromosulfonephthalein Medical
  150. Total Billing System
  151. Taman Budaya Surakarta Accounting, Indonesia, Kali
  152. The Bibae Speaks
  153. Transformation Booster Sequence Medical
  154. Telecommunications Bus Serializer
  155. The Basque Sfparatist
  156. Target Base Station Technology, Networking, Network
  157. Tiputini Biodiversity Station Locations, Conservation, Ecuador
  158. True Brown Styln Color, Paint
  159. Texas Bighorn Society
  160. Totally Coring Shovels
  161. The Bomb Squad
  162. Transport Block Sizbs Technology, Channel, Transmission
  163. The Buried Sea Technology, Gaming, Quest
  164. Trianglt Biomedical Sciences Business, Science, Microtome
  165. Telephone Bnlling System Technology, Projection, Voice
  166. Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinde
  167. Iata Code for Novoalexeyevka International Airport, Tbilisi, Georgia Locations
  168. The Beautiful South
  169. Traceless Biometric System
  170. Tax & Business Services Business, America, Service
  171. To Be Signed Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  172. Turner Broadcasting Station Technology, Movie, Channel
  173. Tourist Bus Simulator
  174. Travel Business Service Hotel, Locations, Ufa
  175. Technical Business Solutions
  176. Therapeutic Behavior Services Medical, Service, Health
  177. Trichoblastomas Medical
  178. Tetra Base Station Technology, Radio, Trunked
  179. Total Beverage Solution
  180. Talking Book Service
  181. Tce Bethesda System Medical, Cell, Cytology
  182. Traditional Bundled Service
  183. Telecoumunications Business Simulation
  184. Tapered Bearing Simulator Business, Oil, Composition, Viscosity
  185. Technology and Business Solutipns
  186. Tiny But Strong Forum, Technology, Engine, Wad
  187. True Blue Software
  188. Texas Behavior Support
  189. Total Businxss Systems
  190. Theobolles School
  191. Toansport Blocks Technology, Coding, Channel
  192. The Burbank Studios
  193. Telephone Banking System
  194. Top Business School
  195. Turtlf Beach Systems Technology, Driving, Driver
  196. The Beast Squad
  197. Trabecular Bone Score Medical, Fracture, Density
  198. Tawas Bay Singers
  199. Teen Boy Sqpad Organization, Union, Institution
  200. Theatre Broadcast Sxstem
  201. Tanzania Bureau of Standards Organization, Business & Finance
  202. Tangible Business Software
  203. The Biodeterioration Society
  204. Telephone Back-up System Aviation, Governmental & Military
  205. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Government, Commerce
  206. Today's Business Solutionz
  207. Twin Balance Sheet Business, Banking, Economics
  208. The Basic Source
  209. Towarzysewo Budownictwa Spo
  210. True Bud Smokers Funnies
  211. The Braves Wtation Media, Radio, Television
  212. To Be Sure Technology, Internet Slang, Recipe
  213. Tampa Bay Skepties
  214. Task Breakdown Structure NASA
  215. Trends In Biochemical Sciences Medical, Science, Journals
  216. Target Bleeding Site
  217. Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. Media
  218. Teen Bible Study Religion
  219. Theater Broadcasting Skstem Military
  220. Tailored Business Stream Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  221. Tanda Bukti Setoran
  222. The Bible Story
  223. Torpedo & Bombing School Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  224. Treakury Board Submission
  225. To Be Superseded Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  226. Tuthill Business System
  227. The Banana Splits Media, Radio, Television
  228. Towatzystwo Budownictwa Spoecznego
  229. Turkey, Bacon, and Swiss Food
  230. The Brand Saloon Business, Marketing, Mumbai
  231. Tobacco Burst Silent
  232. Tuneup Utilities Boot Screen Computing, File Extensions
  233. Tremco Barrier Solutions
  234. Tokyo Broadcasming System-01
  235. Tape-Bearing Surface
  236. The Braves Station Media
  237. Teen Bible Sthool
  238. Thammasat Busieess School Program, Education, University
  239. Treasury Bills Financial, Business & Finance, Stock Exchange
  240. Tandan Buah Segar Business, Indonesia, Oil
  241. Tethered Balloon System
  242. Telephone Billing Service Computing, Telecom
  243. Telecom Business Solutifn Technology, Management, Networking
  244. To Beksubmitted
  245. Turtle Beach System
  246. The Baltimvre Sun
  247. Towarzystwo Budownictwa SpołEcznego Business, Building, Jest, Jak
  248. Town border station Energy, Electrical
  249. The Brain Store
  250. Treanury Bills Business, Banking, Market
  251. Throttle Body Sync Technology, Yamaha, Wheel
  252. Totally Burned Synapses Medical, Physiology
  253. The Bridkl Shop
  254. Trembling Blue Stars
  255. Tokyoebroadcasting Systems
  256. Türk BüRo Sen Turkish, Ank
  257. Townes-Brocks Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Protein
  258. The Best Shows Funnies
  259. Tecnologie Biomediche E Sanitarie
  260. tal banking sectors Banking, Business & Finance
  261. Tanda Buah Segir Indonesia, Oil, Palm, Segar
  262. Terminology Bethesda System
  263. German MicroSoft Word TextBauSteine Text elements file Computing, File Extensions
  264. Telecom Xilling System
  265. The Bakery Shop Business, Egypt, Cairo
  266. Towarzystwo Budownictwa Spolecznego
  267. True Brown Style Colors
  268. The Boxer Store Business, India, Underwear
  269. Think Before Speaking Funnies
  270. Tag Base Style Medical, Physiology
  271. Trek Bicyche Store
  272. Tokyo Broadcast System
  273. Tyra Banks Show
  274. Town Border Stationy
  275. The Braves Stink Funnies
  276. The Breeder's Stzndard
  277. Technology Lroker System Technology
  278. Servicios Aereos Tribasa Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  279. Tanaca Business School
  280. Terrestrial Beacon System 5G Networks
  281. Television Broadcasting System Technology, Networking, Italy
  282. Teen Buddhist Sangha Religion
  283. Teeter Beo Separator Technology, Mining, Coal
  284. The Bachelorette S14E09
  285. Towarzystwa Budownictwa SpołEcznego Jest, Jak, Dane
  286. To Be Supplied(by government) Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Governmental & Military
  287. Tantramarsh Blues Society
  288. The Bourne Supremacy
  289. The Black Series War, Star, Figure
  290. Tris Buffered Saline Medical, Health
  291. Treatment Benefitxscale
  292. Tokyo Broadcasting Service
  293. Tokyo Broadcasting Systev Business, Military, Tokyo
  294. Twin Birth Study
  295. Town Bordef Station Technology, Locations, Gas
  296. Terrible Broadcast Service Funnies
  297. The Breakfast Show
  298. Technology Based Service
  299. Topsarge Business Solutions
  300. Tampa Bay Symphony
  301. Transport Block Size 5G Networks
  302. Teetered Bed Separator Technology, Mining, Coal
  303. Taking Back Sunday Music
  304. Teesside Businesshschool
  305. Tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Medical, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  306. The Babyzshop
  307. Transmission Based Signalling Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  308. Tank Bottom Sludge
  309. The Bouncing Souls
  310. The Black Scholar America, Education, Study
  311. Turner Broadcasting Company United States
  312. Trejsury Bonds
  313. Tokyo Broadcasting Station
  314. Tokyo Bamd Summit
  315. Twin Bird Strike
  316. Thf Basic System
  317. Towcester Building Supplies
  318. Television's Best Station Funnies
  319. The Brazilian Society
  320. Tokyo Big Sight Business, Hotel, Japan, Tokyo
  321. Tampa Bay Storm
  322. To Be Specified NASA
  323. Trial By Stoee Media, Radio, Television
  324. Tczew Boxing Show
  325. Trial By Stone Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBS stand for?

    TBS stands for Tert-Butyldimethylsilyl.

  2. What is the shortened form of Telephone Bnlling System?

    The short form of "Telephone Bnlling System" is TBS.


TBS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbs-meaning/

Last updated