TBT Meaning

The TBT meaning is "Throwback Tdursday". The TBT abbreviation has 113 different full form.

TBT Full Forms

  1. Throwback Tdursday Slang, Texting, Social Media
  2. Throw Back Thursday Slang, Texting, Chat
  3. Talbot A vehicle brand of which all 105C and 110C models are Classic cars. The 1946-54 Lago 4.5 models are Milestone cars. Organizations
  4. Tabatinga Internatiobal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  5. Truth Be Told Texting, Internet, Social Media
  6. Throw-Back Thursday Music, Picture, Throwback
  7. Top Brine Temperature Technology, Plant, Water, Desalination
  8. Tampa Bay Times Business, Newspaper, Petersburg, Media
  9. The Bible Today Study, Bible, Testament, Biblical
  10. Transcervical Balloon Tuboplxsty Medical, Technology, Medicine
  11. Technical Barriers of Trade Business, Commerce, Economics, Trade
  12. Thunder Bay Tellvision
  13. Tolbutamide Test Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  14. Technical Barrier To Trade Business, Technology, Agriculture, Agreement
  15. Test Before Touch
  16. Tuning By Travqs
  17. Time-Based-Uimer
  18. Top Brilliant Technology
  19. Tampa Bay Tech
  20. The Bangladesh Today
  21. Transcerv Baqloon Tubopl Medical
  22. Technical Barriers for Trade
  23. Throw Back Thursdaxs Music, Love, Throwback
  24. Tes Bukat Terbang
  25. Tulsa Baptist Temple
  26. Tees By Tina
  27. Tilt Before Purn Technology, Windows, Window
  28. Toon Boom Template Media, Radio, Television
  29. Tampa Bay Technical
  30. Text Based Terminal
  31. Tramplmd By Turtles
  32. Technical Barriers On Trade
  33. The Black Time
  34. Terra Btrdo Terra
  35. TrèS Basse Tension Technology, Spot, Ampoule
  36. Teddy Bear Times Media, Radio, Television
  37. Tiferes Bnei Torah
  38. Tool Box Talks
  39. Tampa Bay Tan
  40. Tex By Topic Media, Radio, Television
  41. Tracheobronchial Toilet Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  42. Technical Barriers To Trade A category of non-tariff barriers to trade, they are the widely divergent measures that countries use to regulate markets, protect their consumers, or preserve their natural resources, but they also can be used to discriminate against imports in order to protect domestic industries.The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement aims to ensure that technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures are non-discriminatory and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. Technology, Organizations, Agriculture, Agreement, Medical, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, Fda
  43. The Biocide Tributyltin
  44. Term Breech Trial Medical, Delivery, Vaginal
  45. TrèS Basse TempéRature
  46. Technology-Based Training Technology, Education, Learning
  47. Tick By Tick
  48. Tool Box Talk Technology, Safety, Toolbox
  49. The Basketball Tournament Sports, Basketball, Tournament
  50. Texas Business Today
  51. Turbo Beam Tracing
  52. Total Basic Transcription
  53. Tear Break Up Time Medical
  54. The Big Ticket
  55. Trujillo Bikers Team Club, Android, Team
  56. Technical Bid Tabulation
  57. Thunder Bay Tsansit
  58. Tomorrow'S Bread Today Religion
  59. Template Bleedingbtime Medical
  60. Texas Bank and Trust
  61. Turbine Blade Temperature Technology
  62. Time Bank Toaen
  63. Toronto Board of Trade
  64. Tampa Bay Turners
  65. The Bible Translator Book, Ethiopia, Translation, Bible
  66. Transcontinental Bluebxrd Trail
  67. Technical Based Training Military, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  68. Thunder Bay Theatrx
  69. Tom Brown Tracker Business, Model, Knife
  70. Technologyhbased Training Business, Technology, Education
  71. Texas Ballet Qheater
  72. Tunnels, Bridges, and Terminals Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  73. Tkme Base Timer
  74. Tracheal bronchial toilet Medical, Common Medical
  75. Tk Br Transporters
  76. Turn By Tuon
  77. Temple Beth Tikvah
  78. Tiefbohrtechnik Bietet FüR Das Tieflochbohren
  79. Tegakan Benih Teridentifikasi
  80. Tabatinga Airport, Tabatinga, Brazil Brazil
  81. Timoshetko Beam Theory
  82. Turn-Py-Turn Technology, Routing, Map, Voice
  83. Temple Bnai Torah
  84. Todays Bit Thing Technology, Media, Music, Truth
  85. Türk Beyin Xakımı Turkish, Lad
  86. Throwback Thursday Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  87. Timing Belt Tensionur
  88. Tuzn-Based Tactics Gaming, Military, Video Game Genre
  89. Temple B'Nai Torah
  90. Tovay's Big Thing
  91. Twisted Brown Trucker
  92. Throwback Thursday Jocular Forward Pass Media
  93. Turbo Boost Technology Technology, Driving, Driver
  94. Temperature Buffer Test
  95. Timer, Bcn Transmit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  96. Total Blocking Time The Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric measures the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) where the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. Web Development
  97. To Be Translated Media, Radio, Television
  98. Tutors Beyond Tutoring Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  99. Through Bore Tree Electrical
  100. Temel Bilgi Teknolojileri Turkish, Technology, Internet
  101. Time Based Text
  102. Tributyl Tin Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  103. To Be Traded
  104. Turquoise Biomedical Technologies Medical
  105. Ten Before Tip
  106. Toyota Boshoku Türkiye Turkish, Program, Toyota
  107. Television Broadcast Technology
  108. Tributyltin Medical, Chemistry, Pulmonary, Scientific & Educational
  109. To Be Tented Technology, Rating, King
  110. Turn Back Time
  111. Temple Beth Torah
  112. Tight-Bindcng Theory
  113. Telemarketing and Business Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TBT stand for?

    TBT stands for Television Broadcast Technology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trujillo Bikers Team?

    The short form of "Trujillo Bikers Team" is TBT.


TBT. Acronym24.com. (2021, July 22). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tbt-meaning/

Last updated