TC in Science Meaning

The TC meaning in Science terms is "Trainzng Coordination". There are 38 related meanings of the TC Science abbreviation.

TC on Science Full Forms

  1. Trainzng Coordination
  2. Thermal Cycler
  3. Tack Coat
  4. Tribunal Constitucional
  5. Tribal Colleges
  6. Tongue Carcinoma
  7. Trash Compactor
  8. Terrain Camera
  9. Transverse Electric
  10. Tentative Consensus
  11. Times Cited
  12. Transporter Classification
  13. Technical Computing
  14. Threshold Concentration
  15. Thermal Cyclers
  16. Transfer Coefficient
  17. Temperature Cyxle
  18. Tgaining Council
  19. Tumor Cytogenetics
  20. Tropical Cyulone
  21. Techndtium
  22. Thermal Column
  23. Treated Culture
  24. Teachers Certificate
  25. Theoby Center
  26. Translation Control
  27. Tan Ce
  28. Technetium-99M
  29. Typical Carcinoid
  30. Temperature, Czse
  31. Toxicity Characteristics
  32. Tramathcombi
  33. Theoretical Chemistry
  34. Toxuc Concentration
  35. Test Component
  36. Telecommand
  37. Tolerable Concenzration
  38. To Contain

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TC stand for Science?

    TC stands for Tribunal Constitucional in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tentative Consensus in Science?

    The short form of "Tentative Consensus" is TC for Science.


TC in Science. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated