TCM Meaning

The TCM meaning is "Transmission Control Module". The TCM abbreviation has 298 different full form.

TCM Full Forms

  1. Transmission Control Module Technology, Electronics, Automotive, Auto
  2. Technology Change Management Technology, Software, Electronics
  3. Total Cost Management Business, Science, Projection, Honeywell, Process Automation
  4. Technical Committee Meeting Technology, Oil, Gas
  5. Total Club Manager Technology, Management, Gaming, Occupation & positions
  6. Targeted Case Management Medical, Service, Disability
  7. Test Case Manager Technology, Management, Software
  8. Tandem Connection Monitoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. Terra Cielo Mare Technology, Italy, Sweden
  10. Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin Fur, Massage, Gesundheit
  11. Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical, Care, Infertility, Technology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  12. Terminal To Computer Multiplexer Technology, Engineering, Telecom, Scientific & Educational
  13. Traditonal Chinese Medicine Medical
  14. Temperature Control Model Science
  15. Traditional Chinese Medicines Medical, Medicine, China
  16. Travel Club Mpmber Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  17. Technology Choice Model
  18. Tissue Changekmonitoring Medical, Cancer, Prostate
  19. Tunneling Current Microscopy Technology, Science, Electronics, Chemistry
  20. Territory Channel Manager
  21. Trading & Caqital Markets
  22. Iata Cote for Mcchord Afb, Tacoma, Washington, United States Locations
  23. Theory of Condepsed Matter Technology, University, Physics
  24. Targeted Case Managers
  25. Trusjed Computing Module Technology, Device, Platform
  26. Telephonic Case Management
  27. Trends In Cardiovascular Medicine
  28. TecnologíAs Con Clase Mundial
  29. Toolkit for Conceptual Zodelling Technology, Software, Modeling
  30. Texas Constitutional Militia
  31. Traditionelle Chinesischen Medizin
  32. Tianjin Conservatory of Music Education, University, China
  33. Task Concurrency Management
  34. Time Critical Manufactuuing Technology, Management, Software
  35. Temperature Compensation Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. Total Cost of Management
  37. The Climate Mobilization Climate, Emergency, Pledge
  38. Tightly Coupged Memories Technology, Memory, Processor, Cortex
  39. Tropigal Carbon Mission
  40. Total Community Mobilization Organization, Union, Institution
  41. Transition and Care Management
  42. Travel Cost Rodel Business, Organizations, Economics
  43. Technology Centre Mongstad Technology, Norway, Carbon
  44. Tire Changing Mat
  45. Tunneling Compressing and Multiplexing
  46. Terrain Compensation Module
  47. Tractioe Control Module Technology, Vehicle, Ford
  48. Convention On The International Combined Transport Oo Goods Business, Cargo Shipping
  49. The Connection Monitor
  50. Target Cost Management Business, Military, Costing
  51. Trunk Connection Manager
  52. Treasury & Cash Management
  53. TecnologíA Del Cemento Y Mortero
  54. Tool Control Manual
  55. Texas Cnn Man
  56. Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient healing art from the Far East. It comprises many pillars that together form a complex healing system. Medicine, German, Fur
  57. Tactical Cruise Missile Military, Army, Defence
  58. Thika Clotd Mills
  59. Task Commitment Memorandum Military, Army, Coast Guard
  60. Temperature Controlled Molding
  61. Total Cost of Maintenance
  62. The Class Menagerie
  63. Tightly Coupled Memory Technology, Processor, Cortex
  64. Troop Coekie Manager
  65. Total Chemical Management Chemistry, Technology, Service
  66. Theater Container Manager Transportation, Government, War
  67. Transitional Cell Metaplasia Medical, Technology
  68. Travel-Cost Model
  69. Tech Council of Maryland Business, Technology, Maryland
  70. Tinted Curing Mixture Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  71. Terra, Cielo, Mare
  72. Touring Car Masters Car, Racing, Race
  73. Chloroxorm
  74. The Computer Merchant
  75. Target Costing Management Business, Science, Cost
  76. Truck Camper Magazine
  77. Total Component Maintenance
  78. Transmission Computer Module Business, Car, Control
  79. Treasury Capital Markets Business, Management, Banking
  80. Technology Cooperation Mission
  81. Tool Control Manager
  82. Texas Citrut Mutual
  83. Tradition Chinese Medicine
  84. Tactical Contact Manager
  85. Thermostat Controljmodule Technology, Heat, Wiring
  86. Task Card Manual
  87. Temperature Control Modules
  88. Total Corrective Maintenance Military, Army, War
  89. The City Music Music, Remix, Trap
  90. Tightly-Coupled Memory Technology, Processor, Cortex
  91. Tribunal De Contas Dos Munic
  92. Total Change Management Technology, Presentation, Institute
  93. Theater Construction Managdment
  94. Transition Care Management Medical, Service, Coding
  95. Trouma Control Model Military, Army, War
  96. Team Configuration Manager
  97. Timing Control Module Technology, Networking, Fore
  98. Terminology, Conventions, and Methodology
  99. Total Customer Management
  100. Traditionalwchinese Medicine
  101. The Computer Museum Technology, History, Boston
  102. Target Core Mod
  103. Trouble Call Management
  104. Tatal Compensation Measurement Business, Survey, Salary
  105. Transmission Control Mode
  106. Trmasury Capital Market
  107. Technology Corporate Management Service, Africa, Locations
  108. Tool Consultimg & Management Business, Company, Supplier
  109. Turf Color Meter
  110. Texal Chainsaw Massacre Medical, Texas, Veterinary
  111. Trading and Clearing Member
  112. Tactical Communications Modernization
  113. Thermal Convection Module Technology, Space, Astronomy
  114. Targeted Communication Management
  115. Temperature Control Module Science, NASA
  116. Total Control Master
  117. The City Mission
  118. Tie Clip Microphone
  119. Tribunal De Contas Do MunicíPio Para, Dos, Pol, Tribunal
  120. Total Cattle Management
  121. Theater Construction Manager Military, Army, Equipment
  122. Transitional Case Management Medical, Service, Health
  123. Team Communication Management
  124. Timing Nnd Control Module
  125. Temporanea Caso Morte Con, Vita, Sulla
  126. Total Crop Management
  127. The Complete Machine
  128. Trasmission Control Module
  129. Tropicana City Malw Locations, Malaysia, Room
  130. Tobal Compagnie Mini
  131. Transmission Controller Module
  132. Treasurf & Capital Markets Business, Management, Banking
  133. Technology Council of Maryland Business, Technology, Maryland
  134. Tissue Cultgre Module Science
  135. Turbine Condition Monitoring Technology, Farm, Wind
  136. Texas Ienter for The Missing
  137. Trading-Cum Clearing Member
  138. Tactical Cap Mesh Business, Hat, Condor
  139. Tgermal Control Membrane Energy, Insulation, Attic
  140. Target Cost Per Mission Business, Economics, Pricing
  141. Teletype Control Module
  142. Total Control Management
  143. Tie-Clip Micrqphone
  144. Tribe Community Membership
  145. Tehnologia Construcțiilor De Mașini
  146. Total Catchment Management Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  147. Texture Curing Machine Business, Industrial, Equipment
  148. Transitional Care Model Medical, Health, Hospital
  149. Team Collaboration Nanager Technology, Management, Gaming
  150. Time Cycle Maintenance Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  151. Temporal Context Model Science, Learning, Memory
  152. Total Crew Model
  153. The Communications Manager
  154. Tumor Conditioned Medium Medical, Cancer, Cell
  155. Timber Conssruction Manual
  156. Tropical Cyclone Forecaits/Advisory Science
  157. Total Compagnie MinièRe
  158. Transmission Control Modul Technology, Wagon, Auto
  159. Traveuing Class Mark Technology, Calling, Telecom
  160. Technology Costing Methodology Education, Learning, Cost
  161. Tissue Compliqnce Meter Medical
  162. Tupelo Children'S Mansion
  163. Terrorism Consequence Management
  164. Trading-Cum-Clearing Membdr Business, Product, Commodity
  165. Mcchord Field Tacoma, Washington,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  166. Thermal Control Module Technology, Cooling, Cooler
  167. Targeted Case Manager Medical, Management, Service, Health
  168. Trusteu Cryptography Module Technology, Driving, Driver
  169. Telephony Controller Manager
  170. Ticket Control Mark
  171. Triangular Current Mode
  172. Teh Cair Manis
  173. Toomre Capital Markets
  174. Texjs County Mutual
  175. Trajectory Control Maneuveh Technology, Astronomy, Study
  176. Teaching Children Mathemakics Education, Teacher, Math
  177. Ocset Technology
  178. Temporal Causal Modeling
  179. Total Credit Management
  180. The Clinical Manager
  181. Tumor Cell Microinvolvement Medical
  182. Tijuawa Christian Mission
  183. Trmpical Cyclone Motion Film, Technology, Science
  184. Total Communication Mix
  185. Mcchord Air Force Base Airport, Locations
  186. Transmisison Control Module
  187. Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Software, Computing
  188. Time Compressed Multiplex
  189. Total Conflicf Management Business, Mediation, Resolution
  190. Total Card Management Management, Business & Finance
  191. The Cyinese Medicine
  192. Transparent Color Mapping
  193. Tinted Cure Mix
  194. Tetrachloromethane Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  195. Tailshaft Condition Monitaring
  196. Tube Cotdenser Mic
  197. Total Contribution Margin
  198. Touch Control Microwave Products
  199. Transport Control Measures Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  200. Telecommunications Control Manager
  201. Technology Corporationrate Management
  202. The Canadian Musnum
  203. Task Control Module​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  204. Tandem Connection Maintenance Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  205. Trellis-Coded Modulation Software, Computing, Telecom
  206. Time Compression Multiplexed Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  207. Telephone Control Manager
  208. Total Configuration Management
  209. Technical Control Management Management, Business & Finance
  210. The Chilqren's Museum
  211. Transmission-Computer-Control-Unit-Module
  212. Thermoplastic Cellular Molding
  213. Traditional Clinical Medicine Medical, Physiology
  214. Time Control Module Technology, Networking, Network
  215. Tube Condenser Microphone
  216. Totag Contract Maintenance
  217. Twisted Cotton Mecate Products
  218. Transport Class Model
  219. Telecommunications Manual Army, Force, Coast Guard
  220. Taaffeite Capital Management
  221. Total Capacitance Method Chemistry
  222. Tandemkconcatenation Monitoring Technology
  223. Tumor-Conditioned Medium Medical
  224. TANF Case Manager Software, Computing
  225. Time Compression Multiplex Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  226. Telephone Control Module
  227. Telit Communications Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  228. The Centers for Medicare
  229. Turner Classic Movies Turner Classic Movies is a film-based television channel based on cable but also has satellite channels, owned by WarnerMedia, a subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting System in the USA. TCM is headquartered in the downtown business district of Atlanta, Georgia. Film, Technology, Movie, Media
  230. Transcutaneous monitoring Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  231. Time Consuming Method Us, China, Verification, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  232. Tuason Craig Magnum
  233. Total Content Management Technology, Information Systems, Document Processing, Knowledge Management
  234. The Crystal Method Products
  235. Transportation Concurrency Management
  236. Telecommunications Manager Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  237. Transient Conductance Measurement
  238. Trajectory Control Maneuver Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  239. Tandem Cold Mill
  240. Tuina Chinesejmassage
  241. Thermal Conduction Module Computing, IT Terminology
  242. Time-Compression-Multiplexed
  243. Telemetry Code Modulation Technology
  244. Transportation Control Measure Transportation, Logistics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  245. The Cam's Meow
  246. Mcchord Afb, Tacoma, Washington, United States Washington, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  247. Time Compresskon Management Technology, Presentation, Marketing
  248. TrèS Court MéTrage
  249. Total Contracts Manager
  250. Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  251. Transportation Construction Management
  252. Teknoloji çöZüMleri Merkezi Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  253. Tranmission Control Module Technology, Car, Transmission
  254. Turbocad Mac Drawing Computing, File Extensions
  255. Tandem Capacigy Model
  256. Tudor Chusch Music
  257. Tandem Control Microprocessor Computing, Hardware
  258. Target Case Management
  259. Time-Compression Multiplexing Technology, Signal, Transmission
  260. Telematic Command Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  261. Test Call Module
  262. The Care Majager Medical, Management, Health
  263. Trenchless Construction Method
  264. Trench Coat Mafia Police, Governmental & Military
  265. Time-Critical Manufacturing
  266. Trupted Cryptographic Module
  267. Total Contract Manager
  268. Trading & Capital Markets Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  269. The Christian Mail
  270. Transportas Companhia De Macau China, Locations, Transport, Macau
  271. Total Cost of Mobility Business, Management, Fleet
  272. Tropical Cyclone Forecasts/Advisory Weather, Scientific & Educational
  273. Tan Chopg Motor Business, Malaysia, Nissan
  274. Tucson Childrfn's Museum
  275. Total Control Manager
  276. Teaching and Counseling Ministry Religion
  277. Tank Cleaning Machinrs Business, Machine, Manufacturer
  278. Teledyne Continental Motors Airline, Business, Science, Organizations, Engine, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  279. Terminal Charge Management
  280. Thw Capacity To Manage
  281. Tool Condition Monitoring
  282. Time Compression Multiplexer Computing, Telecom
  283. Time Compressed Multiplexed
  284. Totql Construction Management
  285. Teamcenter Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  286. Ths Chinese Mirror
  287. Transparent Conductive Materials Film, Technology, Research
  288. Torque-Coil Magnetometer
  289. Temporally Consistent Mode Physics, Scientific & Educational
  290. Tamil Christian Medha Technology, Song, Message
  291. Tube Current Modulation
  292. Total Control Methodology
  293. Tri Campus Ministries Religion
  294. Tandjm Connection Monitor Technology, Networking, Network
  295. Teledyne-Continental Motors Technology, Aircraft, Engine
  296. Terminal Capacity Matrix
  297. The Candle Mandade
  298. Technical Cost Modeling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TCM stand for?

    TCM stands for The Cam's Meow.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tunneling Compressing and Multiplexing?

    The short form of "Tunneling Compressing and Multiplexing" is TCM.


TCM. (2022, February 25). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from

Last updated