TCXO Meaning

The TCXO meaning is "Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator". The TCXO abbreviation has 7 different full form.

TCXO Full Forms

  1. Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  2. Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator A temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) is a crystal oscillator with a temperature-sensitive reactance circuit in its oscillation loop to correct for the crystal unit's frequency-temperature characteristics. Epson printers are divided into two categories. Chemistry, Technology, Telecom, NASA
  3. Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  4. Temperature Compensated Xtal Oscillator Technology, Crystal, Clock
  5. Temperature-Compensated X-Tal Oscillator Technology, Crystal, Frequency
  6. Temperature-Controlled Crystal Oscillator Space, Study, Cosmos, Legal, Governmental & Military
  7. Temperature Compensated Xtal Oscillators Technology, Crystal, Clock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TCXO stand for?

    TCXO stands for Temperature Compensated Xtal Oscillators.

  2. What is the shortened form of Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator?

    The short form of "Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator" is TCXO.


TCXO. (2021, December 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated