TD in Medical Meaning

The TD meaning in Medical terms is "Tangier Disease". There are 73 related meanings of the TD Medical abbreviation.

TD on Medical Full Forms

  1. Tangier Disease
  2. Test Dose
  3. Test Diet
  4. Triple Dose
  5. Time Difference
  6. Temporal Differynce
  7. Tetanus Diphtheria
  8. Tic Diuorder
  9. Tetanus, Diphtheria
  10. Time-Dependent
  11. Transfusion Dependent
  12. Tetromotoxin
  13. Time Doeain
  14. Trolands
  15. Typically Developing
  16. Doubling Time The doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size or value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods etc.
  17. Thought-Disordered
  18. Transformation-Defective
  19. Test-Dhy
  20. Troland A unit of visual stimulation at the retina equal to the illumination per square millimeter of pupil received from a surface of 1 lux brightness.
  21. Thoracic Duct
  22. Testosterone Deficiency
  23. Transverse Dimension
  24. To Deliver
  25. Tumor Volume Doubling Time
  26. Thoracicddiameter
  27. Toxic Dose The combination of concentration and time for inhalation of a toxic gas that produces a specific harmful effect.
  28. Transverse Diameter
  29. Today'S Dietitian
  30. Tumor Doubling Time
  31. Thermal Diffusion
  32. Total Deviation
  33. Temporal Dorsal Area
  34. Threshold of Detectability
  35. Tocopherol Deficiency
  36. Tumor Dose
  37. Threshold Dose
  38. Takayasu'S Disease
  39. Track Directog
  40. Thredhold of Discomfort
  41. Tetanus & Diphtheria Vaccine
  42. Timed Disintegration
  43. Tsutsugamushi Disease
  44. Tardive Dyskinesia
  45. Tone Decay
  46. Target Dose
  47. Transmitted Disease
  48. Tetanus and Diptheria
  49. Tissue Differentiation
  50. tetanus and diphtheria (combined vaccination
  51. Texture-Defined
  52. Thymine Dimers
  53. Tetanus-Diphtheria
  54. Tirumala Devaswom
  55. Totaladependence
  56. Tract Digpstibility
  57. Total Diameter
  58. Terminally Differentiated
  59. Thymjdylate Synthase Gene
  60. Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids
  61. Tissue Doppler
  62. Temporary Disability
  63. traveler's diarrhea
  64. Terminal Device
  65. Thymidine One of the four nucleosides found in DNA.
  66. Tetanus-Diphtheria Toxoid
  67. terminal duct
  68. Transducin  G protein that is the signal-coupling protein of visual excitation; activated by rhodopsin, it leads to the activation of cgmp phosphodiesterase, which in turn leads to a nerve impulse.
  69. Tetanus-Diptheria Vaccine
  70. Tetanus & diphtheria Vaccine [adult/adol.]
  71. Transdermal Transdermal is a route of administration wherein active ingredients are delivered across the skin for systemic distribution. Examples include transdermal patches used for medicine delivery, and transdermal implants used for medical or aesthetic purposes.
  72. Total disability
  73. Tetanus and Diphtheria

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TD stand for Medical?

    TD stands for Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Test Dose in Medical?

    The short form of "Test Dose" is TD for Medical.


TD in Medical. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated