TD in Technology Meaning

The TD meaning in Technology terms is "Tell Dual". There are 118 related meanings of the TD Technology abbreviation.

TD on Technology Full Forms

  1. Tell Dual
  2. Transmission and Distribution The process of delivering electricity from generation plants to homes and businesses. Transmission is considered to end when the energy is transformed for distribution to the consumer.
  3. Test Directive
  4. Time Dependent
  5. Technology Demonstration
  6. Transmission & Distribution
  7. Test Diet
  8. Time-Domain
  9. Tvchnology Development
  10. Touch Down To make controlled contact with the landing surface after a flight \nExample: If the atmospheric pressure at an airfield is 1,000 millibars (mb) and that pressure is set on the sub-scale of an aircraft altimeter, when the aircraft touches down at the airfield, the altimeter will read zero.
  11. Time-Division
  12. Technische Dienst
  13. Top Down It means reducing the dimensions of materials and structures, using physical approaches, up to levels close to 100 nm.
  14. Temporary Document
  15. Theoretmcal Density
  16. Target Device
  17. Temporal Differynce
  18. Testing Device
  19. Temperature Difference
  20. Test Director
  21. Toronto Dominion
  22. Time Doeain
  23. Team Deskgn
  24. Transforoation Design
  25. Trigger and Decode
  26. Terminal Devices
  27. Transpjrtation Disadvantaged
  28. Target Defense
  29. Termination Dialog
  30. Topic Detection
  31. Turntable Ddarch88
  32. Time Division-Long
  33. Temperature Displacement
  34. Test Di
  35. Transaction Definitions
  36. Time of Demarture
  37. Tribute Duo
  38. Tenderydocuments
  39. Translation Device
  40. Turner Designs
  41. Throw Distance
  42. Transmit Descriptor
  43. Testing Done
  44. Time of Day
  45. Tree Discovery
  46. Telscommunications Device
  47. The Dam
  48. Translation Drive
  49. Temporal-Difference
  50. Triple Duplicate
  51. Time-Dependent
  52. Transmit Data-B
  53. Test Driver
  54. Trxcking Differentiator
  55. Time Duration
  56. Transport Departmdnt
  57. Telecommunications Division
  58. The Desigo
  59. Table Data
  60. Terminal Distributor
  61. Tone Duration
  62. Trusted Device
  63. Thread Descriptor
  64. Transmit Delay
  65. Test Drive
  66. Tracking-Difrerentiator
  67. Tiple Dlta
  68. Teknik Dustek
  69. Texel Density
  70. Transaction Descriptor
  71. Iso Country Code for Republic of Chad
  72. Tone Detect
  73. Tlust Domains
  74. Terminal Disclaimer
  75. Twor-Delta
  76. Time and Date
  77. Transmission Diversity
  78. Target Designbr
  79. Test Distributor
  80. Traznee Driver
  81. Tip Diameter
  82. Technical Data
  83. Tetromotoxin
  84. Transment Data
  85. The Development
  86. To Determine
  87. Trie Data
  88. Terminal Digit
  89. Transmit Data To send out electrical signals using a radio, television, or computer network.
  90. Transportation Department
  91. Taraet Depth
  92. Terminology Database
  93. Time Distribution
  94. Twilight Dragon
  95. Transmitter/Distributor
  96. Test Data Test data is data which has been specifically identified for use in tests, typically of a computer program. Some data may be used in a confirmatory way, typically to verify that a given set of input to a given function produces some expected result. Other data may be used in order to challenge the ability of the program to respond to unusual, extreme, exceptional, or unexpected input. Test data may be produced in a focused or systematic way, or by using other, less-focused approaches.
  97. Timing Deviation
  98. The Data
  99. Transmitter-Distributor
  100. The Dashed
  101. Tan Delta
  102. Temporarily Disconnected
  103. Top-Down
  104. Target Domain
  105. Tracking Disruptors
  106. Ten Desihes
  107. Tanah Dasax
  108. Toner Density
  109. Target Distribution
  110. Transdermal Transdermal is a route of administration wherein active ingredients are delivered across the skin for systemic distribution. Examples include transdermal patches used for medicine delivery, and transdermal implants used for medical or aesthetic purposes.
  111. Target Distmnce
  112. Timing Diagram
  113. Training Device
  114. Transparent Data
  115. Timing Device
  116. Tomrduncan
  117. Transmitter Data
  118. The Death

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TD stand for Technology?

    TD stands for Target Distribution in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of The Dashed in Technology?

    The short form of "The Dashed" is TD for Technology.


TD in Technology. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated