TDA in Technology Meaning

The TDA meaning in Technology terms is "Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.". There are 37 related meanings of the TDA Technology abbreviation.

TDA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.
  2. Tamm-Dancoff Approximation
  3. Tactical Decision Aid
  4. Tables of Distribution and Allowances
  5. Table of Distribution and Allowance
  6. To Do Archive
  7. Task Description Agreement
  8. Transit Development Act
  9. Thailand Darts Association
  10. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
  11. Toad for Data Analysts
  12. Target Docking Adgptor
  13. Total Drama Action
  14. Telecoms Dealers Association
  15. Table of Distribution and Allowances
  16. Tire Derived Aggregate
  17. Target Docking Adapter
  18. Telecommunications and Data Acquisition
  19. Tire-Derived Aggregayes
  20. Tactile Digital Assistant
  21. Tire-Derivef Aggregate
  22. Turkish Defence Alliance
  23. Technical Delivery Assessments
  24. Transportation Development Association
  25. The Dolphin Alliance
  26. Tunnel Diode Amplifier
  27. Taylor-Deal Aviation
  28. Transition Data Analysis
  29. The Dark Age
  30. Trade and Development Agency's
  31. Topology Data Analysis
  32. Trust Belay Attribution
  33. Topological Data Analysis
  34. Technology Development Approach
  35. Transuranic Disposal Area
  36. Top-Down Approach
  37. Toll Dial Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TDA stand for Technology?

    TDA stands for To Do Archive in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transition Data Analysis in Technology?

    The short form of "Transition Data Analysis" is TDA for Technology.


TDA in Technology. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated