TDP Meaning

The TDP meaning is "Technical Data Packages". The TDP abbreviation has 178 different full form.

TDP Full Forms

  1. Technical Data Packages Technology, Military, Engineering, Package
  2. Telocator Data Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecom
  3. Technical Data Package Military, Postal, Us Post, Federal Aviation Administration
  4. Telelocator Data Protocol Technology, Computer, Electronics
  5. Telefonica Del Peru S.A. Organizations
  6. Technology Development Program Business, Technology, Career
  7. Technical Development Plan Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  8. Testing Designated Positions Business, Employment, Drug
  9. Tactical Data Processor Program, Military, Army
  10. Tennessee Diploma Project Education
  11. Through The Dark Portal
  12. Thiamine Diphosphate Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  13. Time-Dependent Potentiation Medical
  14. Transient Data Program Computing, IT Terminology
  15. Tether Development Project Military
  16. Thermal Depolymerization Process
  17. Technical Drawing Plan Technology
  18. The Design Partnership
  19. Tivoli Data Protection Technology, Server, Backup
  20. Technology Demonstration Project Technology, Book, Canada
  21. Transmission Development Plan Business, Power, Philippine
  22. Text Data Processing
  23. Technology and Distance Programs
  24. Trust Distribution Process
  25. Therapeutic Day Program
  26. Tactical Data Processors Military
  27. Towarzystwo Demokratyczne Polskie
  28. Telugu Deslm Party Government, Group, Andhra
  29. Time, Distance and Place
  30. Transferable Discharge Permit
  31. Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis
  32. Tunnem Dynamic Programming
  33. Thermal Decomposition Products Medical
  34. Technical Drawing Package Technology, Postal, Us Post
  35. Trade Development Program Business, Trading, Myanmar
  36. The Democratic Party
  37. Titan Discovery Program
  38. The Dead Pizza
  39. Transmission Development Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  40. Texas Dwelling Policy
  41. Technology and Democracy Project
  42. Tricare Dettal Program Medical
  43. The Dwelling Placz
  44. Tabular Data Provider Technology
  45. Tourism Development Programme
  46. Telocator Data Paging
  47. Transatlantic Degree Programs
  48. Tetanus - Diphtheria - Pertussis
  49. Tugu Development Program
  50. Thermalrde-Polmerization Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  51. Taze Dondurulmuş Plazma Turkish, Gastrointestinal
  52. Trade and Development Program Business, Government, Congress, Business & Finance, International business
  53. The Dead Pool
  54. Tire Derived Product Business, Recycling, Rubber
  55. The Dark Project
  56. Translation, Distribution and Publishing
  57. Texas Dental Plan
  58. Technology Development Programs Business, Technology, Career
  59. Tribune Du Droitepublic
  60. The Dhaka Project
  61. Tablets of The Divine Plan
  62. Tourism Development Project Locations, Pakistan, Belize
  63. Techiopreneurship Development Program
  64. Transactions On Data Privacy Technology, Research, Cat
  65. Testing Designated Position Business, Employment, Drug
  66. Tucson Dog Protection
  67. Thermal De-Polymerizatipn Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  68. Tandy Data Products
  69. Toyota Drivers Program
  70. Time, Date and Place
  71. Tire Derived Products Business, Recycling, Rubber
  72. Transitional Development Plan
  73. Texas Democratic Party Government, Group, Texas
  74. Technology Developer Program
  75. Trigal Development Plan
  76. The Development Partnership
  77. Türk Demokratikupartisi Turkish, Turk, Malar
  78. Tourism Development Plan Business, India, Samoa
  79. Technology Driven Products
  80. Telungu Desam Party Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  81. Truth Data Package Army, Force, Marine
  82. Therapist Drivencprotocol
  83. Tandh Daftar Perdagangan Business, Indonesia, Surat, Modal
  84. Toys Dream Project
  85. Théâtre Denise-Pelletler
  86. Time Dependent Procesiing Technology
  87. Transit Development Plans
  88. Tetradecapeptide Renin Substrate Medical
  89. Technology and Development Program Technology, Science, Institute
  90. The Development Plan
  91. Torsade De Pointes Arrhythmias Medical
  92. Technology Diffusion Program
  93. Trial Dredge Prograb
  94. Technology Demonstration Plant
  95. Trustea Download Program
  96. Therapist-Driven Protocol
  97. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan Business, Photo, Jakarta, Surat
  98. Toy'S Dream Project
  99. Telugu Desom Party
  100. Thymidine Diphosphate Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  101. Time-Dependent Processor Technology
  102. Transit Development Program Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  103. Tetradecapeptide Medical
  104. Thexmo-Depolymerization Process
  105. Technician Development Program Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  106. The Design People
  107. Torres Del Paine Park, Locations, National, Chile
  108. Technology Demopstration Platform
  109. Triad Differektial Pair
  110. Technology Demonstration Plan Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  111. Trust Distribution Procedures Business, Mesothelioma, Settlement
  112. Therapeutic Discovery Project
  113. Tactical Data Processing Military
  114. Towuti Drilling Project
  115. Telugu Desham Party Government, Group, Andhra
  116. Technology Demonstrator Programmes Military
  117. Turbine-Drwven Pump Technology
  118. Trade Development Project
  119. Tag Distribution Protocol Computing, Telecom
  120. Türk Demokratik Partisrnin
  121. Thermal Diffusion Probe Medical
  122. Trainer Development Program Technology, Jakarta, Training
  123. Thermal De-Polymerization Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  124. The Daily Punt
  125. Turnkey Demonptration Program
  126. Technology Demonstration Program Technology, Canada, Projection
  127. Telefonica Del Peru S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
  128. Tüwk Demokratik Partisi'nin
  129. Thermal Desktop Pfinter
  130. Trainer Development Programme Government, Training, Police
  131. Transportation Development Plan Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  132. The Daily Positive
  133. Traffic Data Processor
  134. Threat Display & Projection Military, Army, Defence
  135. Technology Demonstrator Program Military
  136. Thermal Design Power Computing, Hardware
  137. Typical Design Power
  138. Thermal Design Profile Technology, Power, Core, Processor
  139. Training Discharge Program
  140. Torsades de Pointes Torsades de pointes or torsade de pointes is a specific type of abnormal heart rhythm that can lead to sudden cardiac death. It is a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia that exhibits distinct characteristics on the electrocardiogram (ECG). It was described by Dessertenne in 1966. Prolongation of the QT interval can increase a person's risk of developing this abnormal heart rhythm. Medical, Common Medical
  141. The Daily Plate
  142. Tanda Domisili Perusahaan Business, Banking, Dealer, Mitsubishi
  143. Thoracic Duct Prezsure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  144. Technology Demonstration Programme Technology, Defence, Future
  145. Transmitter Documentation Project Media
  146. Technology Development Projects
  147. Tutor Development Program
  148. Thermal Design Paxkage
  149. Trainee Discharge Program
  150. Tour Driven Performance Transportation, Governmental & Military
  151. Time-Distribution-Period
  152. The Daily Perc
  153. Tanda Daftar Perseroan
  154. Thermal Drying Plwnt
  155. Technology Development Programme Business, Technology, Space
  156. Trans-Domain Proposal Technology, Science, Research
  157. Touch Down Point Electrical
  158. Technology Development Process
  159. Turkey Discover The Potential Turkey, Turkish, Antalya
  160. Thermal Design Point Technology, Power, Processor
  161. Trade Disputes Panel
  162. Tennessee Democratic Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  163. Takeoff Decision Point  The point used in determining takeoff performance from which, a power-unit failure occurring at this point, either a rejected takeoff may be made or takeoff safely continued. Aviation
  164. Theater Distribution Plan Military, Army, Equipment
  165. Table-Drivenaprogramming
  166. Thermal Dissipation Power
  167. Türk Dış Politikası Turkish, Malar
  168. Tracking Data Processor Data
  169. Technology Development Plan Military, Army, War
  170. Turbine Exhaust Pressure Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  171. Trade Development Programme
  172. Telugu Desam Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  173. Temperature and Dewpoint NASA
  174. Thames Discovery Programme Organizations, London, Archaeology
  175. Türqiye Devrim Partisi Turkish, Alps, Alp
  176. Thermal Dissipation Probe Technology, Water, Flow
  177. Training Development Program
  178. Total Dissolved Phosphorus Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TDP stand for?

    TDP stands for Transmission Development Process.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trust Distribution Process?

    The short form of "Trust Distribution Process" is TDP.


TDP. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated