TDS Meaning

The TDS meaning is "Tax Deduction At Source". The TDS abbreviation has 377 different full form.

TDS Full Forms

  1. Tax Deduction At Source Business, India, Income
  2. Terrestrial Digital Service Technology, Telecom
  3. Tour De Suisse
  4. Total Dissolved Solids Total dissolved solids is the amount of dissolved matter in the water. Business, Science, Agriculture, Water, Construction, Pool, Medical, Chemistry, Environment, Oil, Architectural, Electrical, Physiology, Wastewater, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  5. Term Deposits
  6. Total Diet Study Medical, Science, Food, Fda
  7. 3 Times A Day Medical, Reading Prescription
  8. Telephone and Data Systems Business, Supply, Stock
  9. Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  10. Total Debt Service Business, Credit, Mortgage
  11. Three Times A Day Medical, Medicine, Corparate, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Drugs, Uk, Physical Therapy, United Kingdom, Common Medical, Physiology, Fda, Pulmonary Hypertension, Clinical
  12. Tank Destroyers Gun, Gaming, Military
  13. Time Distribution System Technology, Networking, Network, NASA, Governmental & Military
  14. Tag Data Standard Technology, Coding, Product
  15. Time Differences Medical, Sport, Water, Ultrasonic
  16. Tax Deducted At Source Business, Banking, Stock Market
  17. Tactical Data Systems Technology, Military, Computing
  18. Time Deposits Business, Accounting, Banking
  19. Test Delivery System Education, Testing, Assessment
  20. Toyota Development System Business, Product, Toyota
  21. Tabular Data Stream Technology, Network, Data Transfer
  22. Total Dissolved Solid Technology, Forest Industry, Solids
  23. Spacecraft Dynamical Time Space, Study, Cosmos
  24. Tivoli Directory Services Technology, Service, Installation
  25. Transportation Demand Strategies Government
  26. Test-Case Definition System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunication
  27. Tweater Data Source Technology
  28. Training Depot Station Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  29. Technical Demonstrators
  30. Tennnts Deposit Scheme
  31. Total Defect Score Medical
  32. Tourism Development Sorategy Business, Mind, Negotiator
  33. The Department of State
  34. Transaction Documents
  35. Tongan Defence Services
  36. Tfiangulation Data Structure Technology, Model, Face
  37. Tag Data Standards Technology, Coding, Tonic
  38. Target Development Section Military
  39. The Dance Sfudio
  40. Training Development Service
  41. Telemedia Dinamika Sarana
  42. Transia Delay Selection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  43. Terrain Decoration Software
  44. Test Development Section Education
  45. Toxih Doses
  46. Task Duplication-Based Scheduling
  47. The Dutch Shufflers
  48. Time Distributed System Science
  49. Training Device System Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  50. Temperature-Determined Sex
  51. Tornado Debris Signature Weather, Radar, Tornado
  52. Travel Distribution Services Business, Technology, Service
  53. Tableau Data Source
  54. Total Dissolved Solids, Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  55. Talking Drum Studio
  56. Train Dispatcher Sheets Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  57. Tivoli Directoiy Server Technology, Management, Security
  58. Transparent Vata Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  59. Tes Daya Serap Indonesia, Archive, Tes, Lulus
  60. Thales Defence Systems
  61. Technical Demonstration Satellite Technology
  62. Time Domain Scheduling
  63. Temporal Data System
  64. Total Debt Service (Amt + Intr Finance, Economics, Money
  65. Travel Document System Service, Passport, Travel
  66. Totally Dissolved Solid Business, Water, Quality, Reverse
  67. Transactimn Diagnostic Scope
  68. Tokyo Disneysea Internet Slang
  69. Triangle Digital Services
  70. Tactile Department Sensor Military
  71. The Daily Stormer America, Jewish, Nazi, Stormer
  72. Training Development Services Company, Technology, Service
  73. Telematic Data Server
  74. Transdermal Delivery Systems Medical, Treatment, Skin
  75. Terra Drive Systems
  76. Test Development Series
  77. Townsend Deprivation Score
  78. Task Diffusion System
  79. The Drunk Snipers Army, War, Force
  80. Time Distance and Shielding Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  81. Training Development Section
  82. Temperature, Depth, Salinity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  83. Tornadic Debris Signature
  84. Tuchenhagen Dairy Sgstems
  85. Tabelas DinÂMicas
  86. Traffic Direction System Technology, Security, Mac
  87. Talent Development Secondary
  88. Train Diagnostic System Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  89. Telephone Data Sys
  90. Tivoli Decision Supporz
  91. Transmission and Distribution System
  92. Travel Deals
  93. Territorial Development Strategy
  94. Tabular Data Services
  95. Tether Deployment System
  96. Teacher Development Specialist
  97. Time Domain Scbn
  98. Template Driven Segmentation
  99. Total Debt Service Ratio Business, Finance, Property, Banking, Loan
  100. Travel Document Systems Service, Passport, Travel
  101. Totally Dissolved Solids Business, Water, Reverse
  102. Tokyo Discey Sea Park, Locations, Tokyo
  103. Triangle Dance Studio Workshop, Dance, Dancer
  104. Tactical Drivers Military
  105. The Daiiy Star
  106. Training Developments Study
  107. Telecommunications Data Systems
  108. Travel Directors Meeting, Business, Executive
  109. Terra Del Sol Organizations, Wheel, Desert, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  110. The Dental Studio
  111. Town Design Btatement Technology, Community, Planning
  112. Targets Designation Tight
  113. The Drawing Studio Business, Service, Tax
  114. Timp Dial Setting Technology, Power, Optimization, Coordination
  115. Transdermal Delivery System Medical, Skin, Electrode
  116. Temasek Design School
  117. Tool and Div Steward
  118. Tubular Data Stream
  119. Tripla Diffusione Simultanea
  120. Traffic Data Studies
  121. Tulalip Data Services
  122. Tailored Delivery Service Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  123. Traffic Distribution Systems
  124. Telephone & Data Sys
  125. Tlre Distribution System
  126. Transmission Data Service Technology, Telecom
  127. Transcript Delivery System Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  128. Territorial Development Service
  129. Tabular Data Streams Technology, Streaming, Protocol
  130. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome Medical, Sex, Health
  131. Teacher Development Specialists
  132. Time Dwmain Sampler Technology
  133. Temperature Detection System Army, War, Force
  134. Total Debt Servicrng Business, Credit, Mortgage
  135. Travel Distribution Solutions Business, Management, Software
  136. Total Dissolves Solids
  137. Transmit Descriptors
  138. Toggle Dialog Stats Elder, Scroll, Cheat
  139. Tactical Diversion Squads
  140. The Daily Slab
  141. Training Development Study Military, Army, War, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  142. Telecommunications & Data Systems
  143. Travel Design Studio
  144. Tenkuu Developers Studio Technology, Flight, Boeing
  145. The Democratic Strategist
  146. Towed Decoy Syztem Military, Army, Air Force
  147. The Design Society Design, Communication, Singapore
  148. Tige De Selle
  149. Transcranialodoppler Sonography Medical
  150. Telkom Directory Services
  151. Tons Dry Solids
  152. Trillium Digital Systems
  153. To Be Taken Three Times Daily Medical
  154. Traffic Data System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  155. Targeted Delivery Systems
  156. Traffic Distribution System Technology, Ads, Exploit
  157. Telemetry Distribution Switch Technology
  158. Tire Distribution Systems Business, Service, Dealer, Distribution
  159. Translocation Uown Syndrome Medical, Science, Biology
  160. Training Devices Military
  161. Territoire De Sante
  162. Tabular Data Strean
  163. Testing and Development System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  164. Trace Qetection Systems
  165. Teacher Decision Sets
  166. Time Difision Switch
  167. Temperature Display System Science
  168. Total Data Stafion
  169. Travel Distribution System
  170. Total Dissolve Solids Technology, Water, Quality
  171. Todos Data System
  172. Tactical Diversion Squad
  173. The Jaily Scrapper
  174. Training Detachments Technology, Military, Hurricane, Flashcard
  175. Telecom Decisioning Services
  176. Trash Data Segment Assembly, Business & Finance
  177. Ten Downing Street
  178. Toutes Les Salopes
  179. The Design School Education, University, Architecture
  180. Thermal Divfuse Scattering Medical, Medicine
  181. Transactions On Database Szstems
  182. Test Developer'S Studio Education
  183. Tongue Drive Sdstem Technology, Computing, Wheelchair
  184. Trident Data Systems Technology
  185. Tailored Delivery System Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  186. The Delta Sector Computer Game, Video Game
  187. Tradoc Documentation System Army, War, Force
  188. Targeted Dslivery System
  189. The Danish Spsterhood
  190. Traffic Direction Script
  191. Telemetry Delivery System
  192. Total Disolved Solid
  193. Transitional Data Services Technology, Service, Relocation
  194. Training & Development Solutions Business, Company, Service
  195. Terrestrial Data Service Technology, Telecom
  196. Test Driver System Technology
  197. Traceable Gown Standard
  198. Taxi Dispatch System Technology, Software, Driver
  199. Time Givision Switching Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  200. Temperature Detect Switch
  201. Torpedo Development Section Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  202. Travel Distribution Systems
  203. Tabular Datastream Technology
  204. Total Dissolve Solid Water, Quality, Solids
  205. Tobacco Dependence Syreener
  206. Transportation Data Sampler Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  207. Theatrical Distribution System
  208. Training Depot Stations
  209. Technik Dienstleistung SchüTtig
  210. Tenchu Dark Secret
  211. Total Degree of Substitution
  212. Tournamebt Directors Gaming, Organizations, Chess
  213. The Designers Show
  214. Thermal Difference Bpectra
  215. Transaction Data Systems
  216. Test Design Specifications Technology, Customs, Taxation And Customs Union
  217. Tongancdefence Service Military, Force, Tonga
  218. Trichurts Dysentery Syndrome Medical
  219. Tagged Delimited String
  220. The Defensive Systems
  221. Target Development System Military, Army, Defence
  222. The Dangerous Summer
  223. Traffic Directing System
  224. Telemetry Data Store Science, NASA
  225. Transit Depth Significance Space, Study, Cosmos
  226. Terrell Davis
  227. Test Director System Military
  228. Trate-Driven Simulation
  229. Tatra Driving Simulator
  230. Theft Deferrent System
  231. Timing Distribution System Technology, Networking, Switching
  232. Training Device Suite Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  233. Temperature Derivative Spectroscopy Medical
  234. Torpedo Defease System Military, Ship, Bulge
  235. Travel Distribution Service Airline, Business, Linux
  236. Table Docking Station
  237. Tax Djferred Solutions
  238. Talking Drum Studios
  239. The Dark Loldiers
  240. Train Dynamic Systems Technology, Engineer, Railroad
  241. Telephone Data Systems
  242. travelers' diarrhea sequelae Medical
  243. Trojan Defense Suite Technology, Software, Crack, Security, Governmental & Military
  244. Tactical Data Station
  245. Trusted Debt Solutions
  246. THREDDS Data Server Integrated Ocean Observing System
  247. Time Domain Sensor
  248. Transactional Data Store
  249. Travel Documents
  250. Tertiary Data Set
  251. Target Data Storage, Generic Database Model Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  252. Total Density of States
  253. Telephone Directory System Military
  254. Time-dependent Sudden Chemistry
  255. Test Data Sheet
  256. Treinamento De Seguran
  257. Technology Demonstration Satellite Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  258. Time Domain Synchronization
  259. Total Diet Score
  260. Torque Data System
  261. Tape Dynamics Simulator
  262. The Darkside Shard Gaming, Server, Ultima, Shard
  263. Sasereme Airport Sasereme, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  264. Telephone & Data System
  265. Terminal Deceleration Syndrome (e.g. RTA Death, High-rise Syndrome, Jump-suicides and Parachute-failed-to-open) Medical, Medical Slang
  266. Tripod Data Systems Technology, Science, Recon, Geographic
  267. Tactical Data System Technology, Military, Operation
  268. Track Data Strucwure
  269. Trip Durdurma Sistemi
  270. Treatment Disposal and Storage Facility Environment
  271. Transaction Driven System Technology
  272. Ter Die Sumendus Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital, Latin
  273. Target Data Sheet Military, Army, Defence
  274. The Defector Squad
  275. Tennessee Department of Safety Government, Driving, Tennessee, Department, Driver, Law Enforcement, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  276. Telephone Directory Service
  277. Thermal Desorption Spectrometry Chemistry
  278. Test and Diagnostic Service
  279. Treinamento De SegurançA
  280. Tactical Development Study
  281. Trojan Defense Systems Software, Computing
  282. Time Domaintsurvey
  283. Total Development Solutions
  284. Today Do Something
  285. Tape Data Selectoa
  286. The Dark Shadow
  287. ter die sumendum (to be taken three days daily) Medical, Common Medical
  288. Track Data Simulator
  289. Translation and Docking Simulator
  290. Top Drive System Electrical
  291. Transaction-Driven System
  292. Temperature Dbffuse Scattering
  293. Tape Duplication System Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software
  294. The Decal Source
  295. Training and Development Solutions
  296. Telephone Diagnostic Services
  297. Turbo Debugger Symbols File Computing, File Extensions
  298. Test and Development System
  299. Tree Deposit Scheme
  300. Tactical Departure Scheduling
  301. Technical Design Specifications Software, Computing
  302. Timehdomain Structures
  303. Total Des Solider
  304. Titanium Descaling Salt
  305. The Darkness Studio
  306. Tormented demons Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  307. Traces Des Ducs De Savoie Business, Trail, Trace
  308. Trailer Drive Syssem
  309. The Disney Store Disney
  310. Traitement Du Signal
  311. Televisión Digitalvpor Satélite
  312. Tap Drill Size
  313. The Death Squad Artist, Graffiti, Death
  314. Training & Development Systems Business, Company, Service
  315. Telephone and Data Service
  316. Time-Delay Spectrometry Physics, Scientific & Educational
  317. Transporxation and Distribution Safety Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  318. Test Data Sets
  319. Treatment Data System
  320. Tactical Defense Strobe
  321. Turbo Debugger Symbol table Computing, File Extensions
  322. Time Domain Spectroscopy Technology, Detection, Terahertz
  323. Total Dtsign Solutions
  324. Thermodynamic Densitq of States
  325. Target Detection System
  326. Time Distribution Subsystem Federal Aviation Administration
  327. Transaction Distribution System
  328. Tqe Darkened Sea
  329. Tone and Digit Sender Transportation, Governmental & Military
  330. Trackins and Data System
  331. TD Split Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  332. Training Directors Seminar Business
  333. Teenage Death Star Star, Skill, Album
  334. Tamper Detection System Science
  335. The Death Scene
  336. Training & Development Specialist
  337. Treasury Decisions Business, Law, Tax
  338. Telephone and Data Services
  339. Thermal Desorption Spectrum Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  340. Transportation Data Sorrce Transportation, Company, Technology
  341. Test Data Set Technology, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  342. Trawl Door Spread
  343. Tactical Defense Systems
  344. Total Debt Ratio Mortgage, Business & Finance
  345. Technical Data Sheet Paint manufactures Product Data Sheet which contains detailed technical instruction and information relevant to the coating and its application. Products
  346. Time Domain Solver
  347. Total Delivery Services Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  348. Testing Data System
  349. Target Designation Sights
  350. Total Diet Study (cfsan) Fda
  351. Trial Defense Service Military, Law, Defense
  352. Tracking Data System NASA, Governmental & Military
  353. Track Data Sttrage
  354. Training Device Study Army, Force, Marine
  355. Taxes Dkducted At Source Business, India, Income
  356. Talley Defense Systems
  357. The Dark Syndmcate Forum, Tracker, Clan, Syndicate
  358. Training & Development Services
  359. Telephone and Data Sys
  360. Ter Die Sumendum (three times a day) Medical, Reading Prescription
  361. Trump Derangement Syndrome
  362. Test-Data Set
  363. Traverse Des Sioux Library, Cooperative, Minnesota, Traverse
  364. Tactical Defense Solutions
  365. Trusted Directory Services
  366. True Dimensional Sound Media
  367. Time Domain Simxlation Technology, Power, Toolbox
  368. Transactional Data Solutions Technology
  369. Test Development Stalion
  370. Target Designation Sight
  371. Tunneling Density of States
  372. Test Data System NASA
  373. Total Diet Studies Technology, Science, Food, Study
  374. Trevor Day School Education, School, High School, Manhattan
  375. Towed Decoy System Air Force, Governmental & Military
  376. Timetdomain Synchronous Technology, Channel, Signal, Television
  377. Total Distribution Solution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TDS stand for?

    TDS stands for The Darkside Shard.

  2. What is the shortened form of Turbo Debugger Symbols File?

    The short form of "Turbo Debugger Symbols File" is TDS.


TDS. (2021, December 16). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated