TDS in Medical Meaning

The TDS meaning in Medical terms is "3 Times A Day". There are 21 related meanings of the TDS Medical abbreviation.

TDS on Medical Full Forms

  1. 3 Times A Day
  2. Three Times A Day
  3. Total Diet Study
  4. Time Differences
  5. Total Dissolved Solids Total dissolved solids is the amount of dissolved matter in the water.
  6. Translocation Uown Syndrome
  7. Temperature Derivative Spectroscopy
  8. Transdermal Delivery Systems
  9. Temperature, Depth, Salinity
  10. Transdermal Delivery System
  11. To Be Taken Three Times Daily
  12. Transcranialodoppler Sonography
  13. Total Defect Score
  14. Thermal Divfuse Scattering
  15. Trichurts Dysentery Syndrome
  16. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome
  17. Ter Die Sumendum (three times a day)
  18. travelers' diarrhea sequelae
  19. Terminal Deceleration Syndrome (e.g. RTA Death, High-rise Syndrome, Jump-suicides and Parachute-failed-to-open)
  20. ter die sumendum (to be taken three days daily)
  21. Ter Die Sumendus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TDS stand for Medical?

    TDS stands for To Be Taken Three Times Daily in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Time Differences in Medical?

    The short form of "Time Differences" is TDS for Medical.


TDS in Medical. (2021, December 16). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from

Last updated