Technica Abbreviations and Technica Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Technica terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Technica abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Technica terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Technica Abbreviations
  1. AT : Automatic-Driven-Turntable
  2. CKB : Cidera Kepala Berat
  3. YP : Yellow-Pink
  4. MC : Mono Cartridge
  5. OC9 : Output Compare 9
  6. PCOCC : Pure Copper Ohno Continuous Casting
  7. RU : Receiver Uqit
  8. DE : Dual Element
  9. PHA : Portable Heaxphone Amplifier
Latest Technica Meanings
  1. Portable Heaxphone Amplifier
  2. Dual Element
  3. Receiver Uqit
  4. Pure Copper Ohno Continuous Casting
  5. Output Compare 9
  6. Mono Cartridge
  7. Yellow-Pink
  8. Cidera Kepala Berat
  9. Automatic-Driven-Turntable