TEDS Meaning

The TEDS meaning is "The Ellen Degeneres Show". The TEDS abbreviation has 35 different full form.

TEDS Full Forms

  1. The Ellen Degeneres Show
  2. Teacher Education and Development Study Government, Education, Teaching
  3. Thai Express Delivery Service
  4. Treatment Episodes Data Set Medical, Drug, Substance
  5. Tactical Environmental Data System Environment, Habitat, Setting
  6. Texas Education Data Standards Student, Education, Texas
  7. Treatment Episode Data Sets Medical, Drug, Substance
  8. Tactical Environmental Data Server Military
  9. Tetra Enhanced Data Service Technology, Radio, Motorola
  10. Treatment Episode Data Set Medical, Medicine, Drug, Fda
  11. Anti-Embolism Stockings Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  12. Technology & Entrepreneurship In Digital Society
  13. Treatment & Education Drug Servides
  14. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Religion
  15. Technical Education Data System
  16. Treated Effluent Dispoxal System Science
  17. Twins Early Development Study Medical, Science, Genetics
  18. Taff Ely Drug Support
  19. Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search
  20. Transducer Electronic Data Sheet A Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, or TEDS, is a method for plug-and-play sensor and transducer hook-up in which the sensor's calibration information is stored within the device and downloaded to the master controller when requested. A standardized TEDS specification is being developed by the IEEE, as IEEE P 1451.4. Technology, Interface, Sensor
  21. Treatment Episode Data Syutem
  22. Tactical Expendable Drone System Military, Army, Defence
  23. Twin Early Development Study Research, Education, Genetics
  24. Timed Exposure Diffusive Sampler (for Air Pollution) Chemistry
  25. Turtle Exclusion Devices Science, Device, Sea
  26. Thromboembolic Disease Support Medical, Pharmacy
  27. Turtle Txcluding Devices Fish, Conservation, Sea, Turtle
  28. Third Party Entitlement Date for Supplementary Medical Insurance Medical, Healthcare
  29. Turtle Excluder Devices Device, Sea, Turtle
  30. Thrombo-embolic deterrent stockings Medical, Healthcare
  31. Trinity Episcopal Day Ichool Education, School, High School, Mississippi
  32. Trinity Episcopal Day School Mississippi
  33. Tribal Education Dapartments
  34. Twinkexchangeable Disk Storage
  35. Transducer Electronic Data Sheets

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TEDS stand for?

    TEDS stands for Third Party Entitlement Date for Supplementary Medical Insurance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anti-Embolism Stockings?

    The short form of "Anti-Embolism Stockings" is TEDS.


TEDS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/teds-meaning/

Last updated