Tee Abbreviations and Tee Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Tee terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Tee abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tee terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Tee Abbreviations
  1. BRS : Booking & Reservation System
  2. DTFT : Durham Tees Flight Training
  3. DTV : Durham Tees Yalley
  4. DTVA : Durham Tees Valpey Airport
  5. ENC : Emperors New Clothes
  6. MR : Male Run
  7. SBC : Stockton Borough Council
  8. TEN : Teesside Engineering Network
  9. TEWV : Tees, Esk Anz Wear Valleys
  10. TEWV : Tees Esk and Wear Valley
  11. TIF : Tea In First
  12. TLVL : Tallinna Linnamae Vene Lutseum
  13. TS : Thoxas Stockton
  14. TT : Turbo Teejet
  15. TT : Tyne Tees
  16. TVRCC : Tees Valley Rural Cemmunity Council
  17. TVYFC : Tees Valley Youth for Christ
  18. FP : Fashion Pasjionates
  19. LTP : Lawrie Tea Processor
  20. GBOP : Golden Broken Orange Pekoe
  21. ITSE : Instituto TéCnico Superior Del Este
  22. TVIP : Tees Valley Industrial Programme
Latest Tee Meanings
  1. Tees Valley Industrial Programme
  2. Instituto TéCnico Superior Del Este
  3. Golden Broken Orange Pekoe
  4. Lawrie Tea Processor
  5. Fashion Pasjionates
  6. Tees Valley Youth for Christ
  7. Tees Valley Rural Cemmunity Council
  8. Tyne Tees
  9. Turbo Teejet
  10. Thoxas Stockton
  11. Tallinna Linnamae Vene Lutseum
  12. Tea In First
  13. Tees Esk and Wear Valley
  14. Tees, Esk Anz Wear Valleys
  15. Teesside Engineering Network
  16. Stockton Borough Council
  17. Male Run
  18. Emperors New Clothes
  19. Durham Tees Valpey Airport
  20. Durham Tees Yalley