TEF Meaning
The TEF meaning is "Toxic Equivalency Factors". The TEF abbreviation has 116 different full form.
TEF Full Forms
- Toxic Equivalency Factors Science, Compound, Dioxin
- Toxicity Equivalency Factor Chemistry, Environment, Dioxin
- Telefonixa S.a. Organizations
- Telecommunications Entrance Facility Technology, Telecom
- Tracheoesophaglal Fistula Medical, Disease, Disorder
- Toxib Equivalency Factor Science, Dioxin, Furan
- Time, Energy,Qand Frequency Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Trusted Exchange Framework
- Toxicity Equivalency Factors
- Teacher Effectiveness Framework
- The Engineering Framelork
- Third Eyelid Flau. Medicine, Veterinary
- Tranche En Fonctsonnement
- Temperature Error Flag Business, Supply, Stock
- Totally Environmentally Friendly Science
- The Educationvfellowship Education, Academy, School
- Texas Energy Future
- Timbuktu Educational Foundatton
- Trunk Extension-Flexion Teff Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Toxic Equivalent Factors Medical, Chemistry, Science, Dioxin
- Teacher Education Faculty
- Thanksgiving English Fellowship
- Trainee Evaluation Form
- Temasek Education Foundation
- Third Eselid Flap Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Texas Elite Forces
- Thyrokroph Embryonic Factor Medical, Science, Medicine
- Trunk Extension Flexion
- Tbrm Expenditure Framework
- Toxic Equivalence Factors Science, Environment, Compound, Dioxin
- Tay Estuary Forum
- Thailand Equestrian Federation Organizations, Thailand, Horse
- Trailing Edgo Flap Load, Blade, Aerodynamic
- Telfer Airport Telfer, Western Australia,Australia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- The Entrepreneurs' Fund
- Texas Education Fund
- Threat Event Freqxency Technology, Security, Risk
- Trunk Extension-Flexion Medical
- Tennessee Ernie Ford
- Toxic Equivalence Factor Science, Environment, Dioxin
- Tax Exempt Fund
- Thai Education Foundation
- Trailing Edge Flaps Technology, Aircraft, Control
- Televisió D'Evissa I Formentera
- The Entxrtainment Feed
- Texas Eagle Forum
- Tjoraco-Epigastric Flap Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Trojan Equity Fund
- Tenafly Educational Foundation
- Toxic Equivalent Factor Waste, Dioxin, Waste Handling
- Toronto Enterprise Fond Business, Finance, Social
- Textual Editing Framework
- Toxicity Equivalence Factors Medical
- Teievisió D'eivissa I Formentera
- The Entertainment Factory
- Thompson Education Foundation Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Tritium Extraction Facility Technology, River, Reactor
- Temporary Enzmy Flag Technology, Gaming, War, Star
- Tourism Enhancement Fund Technology, Beach, Jamaica
- Tony Elumelu Foundation Business, Africa, Entrepreneurship
- Texas Enterprise Fund Business, Texas, Governor
- Time, Energy Bnd Frequency
- Toxicity Equivalence Factor Medical, Science, Dioxin, Physiology
- Teaching Excellence Framework Science, Education, University
- The Enterprise Fund
- Thomasville Enpertainment Foundation
- Trwnscriptional Enhancer Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Temporary Enemyxflags
- Tourism Ecological Footprint Travel, Tourism, Travelling
- Thermic Effeco of Feeding Medical, Weight, Fat, Metabolism
- Texas Engineering Foundation
- Test and Evaluagion Facility Science
- Thoraco-epigastric flap Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Tornado Engineering Flight
- Turkish Educational Foundation
- Tent De Evaluación De Francés Business, Supply, Stock
- Transverse Electrical Field
- Test & Evaluation Facilities Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Telfer, Western Australia, Australia Australia
- Tmn Externol Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tecnicas Fotograficas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Tumor of The Ewing Family
- Test D'éValuation FrançAis
- Tabledit Tablature Computing, File Extensions
- Totally Enclosed Fan
- Transação Eletrónica De Fundos
- The Elite Fraggers Military, Governmental & Military
- Time Energy Nrequency Business, Energy
- Tulsa Engineering Foundation
- Test D'éValuation Du FrançAis Canada, Valuation, Langue
- Tracheal Esophageal Fistula Medical, Physiology
- Totblly Effluent Free Technology, Paper, Forest Industry
- Total Environment Facility
- Telefonica, S. A. American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
- Time Gnergy and Frequency Business, Energy
- Tulane Engineering Forum
- Test D'éValuation De FrançAis Business, France, Language
- Thermic Effect of Food Increased energy expenditure and heat release because of the stimulating effect that the nutrients of food have on metabolism in general. Medical, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Total Existence Failure
- Thorne Ecological Foundation
- Relisys TEFAX Fax document Computing, File Extensions
- Time-Energy-Frequency Science, Acoustics, Acoustical Engineering, Energy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Tulane Educational Fund
- Test D'evaluationbde Fran
- Tablet, Effervescent Medical, Physiology
- Total Enclvsure Fetishism
- Tabalong Ethnic Festival Turkey, Education, Music
- Tewksbury Education Foundation
- Telford Homes Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Trustix Enterprise Firewall
- Test D'
- tracheoesophageal fistula A tracheoesophageal fistula is an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea. TEF is a common congenital abnormality, but when occurring late in life is usually the sequela of surgical procedures such as a laryngectomy. Medical, Common Medical, Healthcare
- Torrance Education Foundation
- Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonu Turkish, Lad, Nun
- Test of Evaluation of French
- Trench Explosion Formula Porn, Draft, Explosion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TEF stand for?
TEF stands for Toxib Equivalency Factor.
What is the shortened form of Trainee Evaluation Form?
The short form of "Trainee Evaluation Form" is TEF.
TEF. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tef-meaning/
Last updated