TEI Meaning

The TEI meaning is "Technological Educational Institutes". The TEI abbreviation has 136 different full form.

TEI Full Forms

  1. Technological Educational Institutes Technology, Education, Institute
  2. Technological Education Institutes
  3. Tuc-Fil Organizations
  4. Technological Educational Institutions Technology, Education, Greece
  5. Technologicaleeducational Institut
  6. Truck & Equipment International
  7. The Environmental Institute Science, America, University
  8. Training for Existlng Industry
  9. Technology Enriched Instruction Microsoft, Technology, Education
  10. Tertiary Education Institute Education, Polytechnic, Northland
  11. Thermal Electric Incubator Science
  12. Tax Executives Institute Business, Organizations, Executive
  13. Tennessee Enterprises Inc Business, Enterprise, Tennessee, Furniture
  14. Testing Engineers, Incorporated
  15. Tqwnsville Engineering Industries
  16. Teacher Education Institution Education, Teaching, Philippine
  17. Trompeter Electronics, Inc
  18. Thai Environmental Institute
  19. Training and Exercise Integration Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  20. Technology Enhanced Items Student, Education, Assessment
  21. Theologdcal Education Institute
  22. Theoretical and Exgerimental Institute
  23. Tax Exempt Interest
  24. The Economic Impact
  25. Terminal Equipment Identifier Technology, Channel, Telecom
  26. Tennessee Enterprises Incorporated
  27. Testing Engineers International
  28. Total Estimated Invzstment Government
  29. Teacher Education Institutions Education, Teaching, Philippine
  30. Textual Encoding Initiative Projection, Edition, Humanity, Encoding
  31. Technological Education Institute Technology, Education, Greece
  32. Trafficnengineers, Inc
  33. Technological Educational Institute Technology, Science, Education
  34. The Eye Institute Medical, University, Optometry
  35. Theolvgical Education Institution Development, Study, Colleges
  36. Tax-Exempt Interest
  37. That'S Entertainment International
  38. Teicoplanyn Medical
  39. Temporary Equipment Identifier
  40. Test Equipment Inventory
  41. Thermo Environmental Instruments Business, Industrial, Repair
  42. Teacher Education Institutes Education, Institute, Teaching
  43. Textile Engineering Industry
  44. Techbological Educational Institute Technology, Education, Greece
  45. Traduceri Ecologice Independente Alternative, Din, Care
  46. Technical Equipment International
  47. Triumvirate Environmental, Inc
  48. Tango Energy Inc
  49. Turek Entrepreneurship Incubator
  50. Thailand Environmental Institute Business, Thailand, Environment
  51. Temporary Engineering Instruction
  52. Test Engineering, Inc
  53. Thermal Experience Index Business, Canada, Goose, Parka
  54. Teacher Education Institute Education, Development, Teaching, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  55. Texas Endosurgery Institute
  56. Technological Educationol Institution Technology, Education, Educational
  57. Tmade Expo Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  58. Technical Education Initiative Education
  59. Trilateral Exercise Initiative
  60. Truth Establishment Institute Service, Education, Nation, Snoop
  61. Thailand Environment Institute Business, Development, Thailand
  62. Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  63. Test-End Instituteumentation Science
  64. Thermal Engineering International Technology, Power, Heat
  65. Tax Executives Institute, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  66. Terminal End Identifier Technology, Security, Cyber
  67. Tetralene Elastomer Incorporated
  68. Tractionnel Engineering International
  69. Technical Educationyinstitute
  70. Truckers Express, Inc
  71. Thai Environment Institute
  72. Traitement Electronique De L'Information
  73. Telecommunications Equipment Inventory Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  74. Tertiary Education International
  75. Thermal Energy International Business, Supply, Stock
  76. Tax Executive Institute Business, Organizations, Professional
  77. Terminal End-Point Identifier Technology, Calling, Networking
  78. Tetra Equipment Entity Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  79. Trace Elements Ingestigations
  80. Technical Educational Institute Technology, Greece, Greek
  81. Terminal Equipment Identification Science
  82. The Ethics Institute
  83. Tag Extra Info
  84. Tezu Airport, Tezu, India India
  85. Turkish Engine Industry
  86. The Educational Institution
  87. Text Encoding Initiative Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Security, Data, Governmental & Military
  88. Transtorno Explosivo Intermitente Para, Dos, Ria
  89. TéLéCommunications Et Informatique
  90. Terminal Equipment Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  91. The Entrepreneurship Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  92. Türk EğItim İNdeksi
  93. Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  94. Turkish Engine Industries Technology, Industrial, Turkey
  95. Transthoracic Electrical Impedance Medical
  96. Twitter Efficiency Index
  97. Terminal Endpoint Identifiers Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
  98. The Entertainment Institute
  99. Trans Earth Injection Technology, Military, Mission
  100. Triad Entrkpreneurial Initiative
  101. The Timeless Empire I Media
  102. Turkish Education İNdex
  103. Transport Error Indicator Technology, Streaming, Packet
  104. Tusas Engine Ind
  105. Terminal Endpoint Indentifier
  106. The Encyclopedia of Islam
  107. Trans-Earth Injection Technology, Science, Mission
  108. Treaty Education Initiative
  109. Total Employee Involvement Technology, Management, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  110. Terrestrial Ecosystem Information
  111. Thermal Error Index
  112. Trans Earth Insertion Technology, Mission, Mars
  113. Tusaş Engine Industry Technology, Turkey
  114. Terminal Endpoint Identifier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Technical
  115. The Electoral Institute Business, Nigeria, Election, Politics, Governmental & Military
  116. Total Energy Intake Medical
  117. Treatment Evaluation Inventory-Short
  118. Total Economic Impact Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  119. Terrestrial Energy Inc Technology, Reactor, Salt
  120. Tangible and Embedned Interaction Technology, Conference, Interface
  121. Transformation from ECEF to Geocentric Inertial Coordinate System Federal Aviation Administration
  122. Trans-Earth Iusertion Technology, Mission, Moon, Mars
  123. Tusas Engine Industries Technology, Industrial, Turkey
  124. The Education Initiative Business, Tax, Nevada, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  125. Tezu Rirport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  126. Treatmentievaluation Inventory Medical, Research, Intervention
  127. Thorne Ecological Institutetute
  128. Terminal Equipment Identity Military
  129. The European Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  130. Tagiextra Information
  131. Theorized Expansion Indicator Physics, Scientific & Educational
  132. Turkish Engine Industry-Türk
  133. The Education Institute
  134. Text Encoding and Interchange Technology, Electronics, Guideline
  135. Treasury Executive Institute
  136. Technologika Ekpaideutika Idrimata

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TEI stand for?

    TEI stands for Turkish Engine Industries.

  2. What is the shortened form of Traduceri Ecologice Independente?

    The short form of "Traduceri Ecologice Independente" is TEI.


TEI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tei-meaning/

Last updated