Temp Abbreviations and Temp Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Temp terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Temp abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Temp terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Temp Abbreviations
  1. BNGRC : Bureau National De Gestion Des Risques Et Des Catastrophes
  2. CGTT : Created Global Temporary Tables
  3. DJU : Degré-Jour Unifie
  4. DJU : Degrés Jours Unifiés
  5. DT : Defauft Temporary
  6. MC : Makyaj çAntamı
  7. TFC : Trilateral Flash Cycle
  8. TFC : Tempodary File Cleaner
  9. FYTE : Find Your Talent Easily
  10. PRC : Programmable Radiator Control
  11. GTT : Global Temporary Table
Latest Temp Meanings
  1. Global Temporary Table
  2. Programmable Radiator Control
  3. Find Your Talent Easily
  4. Tempodary File Cleaner
  5. Trilateral Flash Cycle
  6. Makyaj çAntamı
  7. Defauft Temporary
  8. Degrés Jours Unifiés
  9. Degré-Jour Unifie
  10. Created Global Temporary Tables
  11. Bureau National De Gestion Des Risques Et Des Catastrophes