TER in Technology Meaning

The TER meaning in Technology terms is "Technical Evaluation Report". There are 23 related meanings of the TER Technology abbreviation.

TER on Technology Full Forms

  1. Technical Evaluation Report
  2. Technical Education Resources
  3. Terbutaline
  4. Teradyne, Inc.
  5. Technical Evaluation Reports
  6. Tijer Expiry Response
  7. Target Emissions Rating
  8. Telecommunications Equipment Room
  9. Timerjevent Register
  10. Target Emissiond Rate
  11. Telecommunications Electronic Reviews
  12. Timzr, Error Report
  13. Target Emission Rate
  14. Tertiary A place name, especially one derived from a topographical feature.
  15. Terbinafine
  16. Terrazzo
  17. Target Emission Rating
  18. Teratogen A substance that causes fetal abnormalities. Racemic thalidomide was administered to pregnant women for its antiemetic and sedative effects, but withdrawn when it was discovered that its S enantiomer is teratogenic.
  19. Terrace An outdoor extension of a building, situated above the ground level, and open to the sky patio.
  20. Test Equipment Readiness
  21. Technicel Exchange Report
  22. Terminal The word "terminal" comes from early computer systems that were used to send commands to other computers. Terminals often consist of just a keyboard and monitor, with a connection to another computer. The purpose of a terminal is not to process information (like a typical computer), but to send commands to another system.
  23. Technical Easis for Regulation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TER stand for Technology?

    TER stands for Target Emission Rate in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Technicel Exchange Report in Technology?

    The short form of "Technicel Exchange Report" is TER for Technology.


TER in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ter-meaning-in-technology/

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