Terminator Abbreviations and Terminator Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Terminator terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Terminator abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Terminator terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Terminator Abbreviations
  1. AS : Arnoldnschwarzenegger
  2. AT : Assault Terminators
  3. DDC : Digital Distribution Copy
  4. TCR : Total Cost Ratio
  5. TL8 : Tape Library 8
  6. TSCC : The Sarah Connor Chronicles
  7. LH : Linda Hamilton
  8. FS : Future Shock
  9. GK : Grey Knight
  10. GURTS : Genetic Use Restrivtion Technologies
  11. ROTM : Rise of The Machines
Latest Terminator Meanings
  1. Rise of The Machines
  2. Genetic Use Restrivtion Technologies
  3. Grey Knight
  4. Future Shock
  5. Linda Hamilton
  6. The Sarah Connor Chronicles
  7. Tape Library 8
  8. Total Cost Ratio
  9. Digital Distribution Copy
  10. Assault Terminators
  11. Arnoldnschwarzenegger