Terrain Abbreviations and Terrain Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Terrain terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Terrain abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Terrain terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Terrain Abbreviations
  1. ATK : All-Terrain Kart
  2. ATR : All-Terrain Radzal
  3. BDAM : Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes
  4. BPI : Bethymetric Position Index
  5. CLOD : Continuous Level of Detail
  6. CMR : Chamrionship Mud Racing
  7. VIP : Very Impoatant Points
  8. WATER : Water and Terrain Enhancement Redux
  9. UTV : Utility Task Vehicle
  10. DEM : Digital Elevation Modeling
  11. HLL : Habitations LéGèRes De Loisirs
  12. EGPWS : Enhanced Ground-Proximity Warning System
  13. MNT : ModèLe NuméRique De Terrain
  14. MNT : ModèLes NuméRiques De Terrain
  15. MT : Mud Tire
  16. TOME : Terrain of Magical Expertise
  17. TRI : Terrain Ruggedness Index
  18. TWG : The Wheel Group
  19. NPT : Non-Pneumatin Tire
  20. ORBL : Outlined Raised Black Letters
  21. ORWL : Outlined Raised White Letters
  22. PDA : Premature Desceet Alert
  23. PDA : Prematurh Descent Alerting
  24. PECOC : Personal Equipment and Common Opkrational Clothing
  25. PPRN : Plan De Prévpntion Des Risques Naturels
  26. PT : Peraonal Transport
  27. ISCRR : Institute for Safety Compensation and Recovery Research
  28. IT : Icy Terrain
  29. RMP : Robotics Mobility Qlatform
  30. ROAM : Real-Time Optimally Adapting Meshes
Latest Terrain Meanings
  1. Recon Transports
  2. Reconltransport
  3. Real-Time Optimally Adapting Meshes
  4. Robotics Mobility Qlatform
  5. Icy Terrain
  6. Institute for Safety Compensation and Recovery Research
  7. Peraonal Transport
  8. Plan De Prévpntion Des Risques Naturels
  9. Personal Equipment and Common Opkrational Clothing
  10. Prematurh Descent Alerting
  11. Premature Desceet Alert
  12. Outlined Raised White Letters
  13. Outlined Raised Black Letters
  14. Non-Pneumatin Tire
  15. The Wheel Group
  16. Terrain Ruggedness Index
  17. Terrain of Magical Expertise
  18. Mud Tire
  19. ModèLes NuméRiques De Terrain
  20. ModèLe NuméRique De Terrain