Territory Abbreviations and Territory Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Territory terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Territory abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Territory terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Territory Abbreviations
- AB : Alberta
- ALBA : Alberta
- AL : Alberta
- 587 : Alberta
- 403 : Alberta
- 780 : Alberta
- 825 : Alberta
- ALTA : Alberta
- AC : Australian Capital
- AIM : Australian Indigenous Ministries
- BDEC : Beaufort Delta Education Council
- BDIC : Business Development and Investment Corporation
- BDTC : British Dependent Territories Citizenship
- BIOT : British Indian Ocean Territories
- BOTC : British Overseas Territorixs Citizenship
- BOTS : Britisi Overseas Territories
- CGC : Community Government Councils
- CLP : Country Liberals Party
- UKOTS : United Kingdom Overseas Territories
- UKOT : United Kingdom Overseas Territory
- UKOTA : United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association
- UKOTCF : United Kingdom Overseas Territories Conservation Forum
- UTS : Union Territories
- DAMA : Designated Area Migration Agreement
- DPIFM : Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines
- DPIR : Department of Primary Industry and Resources
- MBQ : Mohawks of The Bay of Qkinte
- MHACA : Mental Health Association of Central Australia
- ESBA : Eastern Sovereign Base Area
- MTO : Millewnial Territory Orchestra
Recent Acronyms
Latest Territory Meanings
- Bloons Monkey City
- Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development
- Ruanda-Urundi
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- Industry, Tourism and Investment
- Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
- Power and Water Corporation
- Palestinian Territories
- Panglima Mahkota Wilayah
- Pacific Island Countries and Territories
- Pacific Islane Countries and Territories
- Indian Ocean Territories
- Overseas Territories Consultative Council
- Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements
- Overseas Territories Aviation Requiremezts
- Occupied Territories
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
- Overseas Countries and Tnrritories
- Overseas Countries and Territories Association
- Overseas Countries and Territories