TES Meaning

The TES meaning is "Tactical Exploitation System". The TES abbreviation has 298 different full form.

TES Full Forms

  1. Tactical Exploitation System Technology, Military, Army, Force
  2. Tactical Event System Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  3. Times Educational Supplement Education, Teaching, Broadcasting, Media
  4. Tactical Engagement Simulation Military, Army, Training
  5. Tesnilca Organizations
  6. Thermal Emission Spectrometer Astronomy, Astronomical Instrument, Celestial Objects, Scientific & Educational
  7. Tennis Expert Software Technology, Program, Gaming
  8. Technology Experiment Satellite Technology, India, Space
  9. Technology-Enabled Selling Technology
  10. Trade Employable Skills
  11. Tracheary Elements Medical
  12. Technical Enforcement Support Technology
  13. Torabika Ekagsemesta Business, Group, Indonesia, Operator
  14. Trace Elements Nutrients which are required in very small amounts (plants or animals). Medical, Business, Mineral, Soil, Puissance
  15. Technology Enabled Services
  16. Tool Envy Syndrome
  17. Timonium Elementary School
  18. Tank Entry Supervisor
  19. Technicwl Engineering Sales
  20. Threatened Or Envangered Species
  21. Turizm EmekçIleri Sendikası Turkish, Ankara
  22. Terrain Edit System Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  23. Total Envuronmental Stress Environment, Habitat, Setting
  24. The Entrepreneur'S Source
  25. Transportation Enhancements Government
  26. Tri-Partite Evaluation Squadron
  27. Technology Enabled Success Technology, Computer, Internet
  28. Tokay Elementary Schonl Education
  29. Test and Evalutetion Squadron Military
  30. Trabajo Educativo Social Para, Con, Press, Social
  31. Teacher Eduhation Services Service, Education, Teaching
  32. Therapist Empathy Scale
  33. Tibby Elementary School Education
  34. Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Medical
  35. The Essential Self
  36. Thermal Energy System Business, Energy
  37. Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer Science, Satellite, Ozone
  38. Telstra Enterprise Services
  39. Tactical Electrondc Squadron Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  40. Textile Engineering Society
  41. Transfer Entry System
  42. Techtical Element Score Event, Figure, Skating
  43. Technology-Enabled Services Business, Service, Capital
  44. Torbram Electric Supply
  45. Tamura Eljmentary School Education
  46. Technical Energy Solutions
  47. Thioesterases Medical
  48. Tuolumne Elementary School Education
  49. Terry Elementary School Education
  50. Total Environmental Solutions
  51. Tactical Engagement Simulntions
  52. The Enhancing Spring
  53. Transportation and Environmental Services
  54. Trench Etch Stop Science
  55. Tochnology Enables Success
  56. Torah Educational Software
  57. Tobias Elementary School Education
  58. Test and Evaluation Squadrons
  59. Totally Encapsulating Suir
  60. Tarpey Elementary School Education
  61. Toerapeutic Efficacy Studies
  62. Thymic Epithelial Supernatant Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  63. Twain Elementary School Education
  64. Taes Transportes Aereos De El Salvador Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, El Salvador, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  65. The Eziscopal School
  66. Troposphere Emission Spectrometer Science
  67. Telkom Engineering School Business, University, Bandung
  68. Tactical Effect Simulatiot
  69. Texas Engineering Systems
  70. Training and Education Services
  71. Technical Editing Services
  72. Thermal Enclosure System Technology
  73. Tecinologies for E-Services Technology, Science, Service, Workshop
  74. Tamarisk Blementary School Education
  75. Thinkpwth Engineering Services Business, Employment, Service
  76. Turner Elementary School Education
  77. Terrell Elementary School Education
  78. Total Entertainment System
  79. Tactical Eigagement Simulator Military
  80. The English Sqhool Education, Teaching, Kuwait
  81. Transportationu& Environmental Services
  82. Technical Enforcemknt Services Science
  83. Trona Elementary School Education
  84. Technology Entrepreneurship Society
  85. Topyacht Entry System
  86. Tftre Emploi Service
  87. Test and Evaluatioa Squadron Technology, Military, Force
  88. Total Expenditure On Services
  89. Target Engagement System Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  90. Theory of Enformedksystems
  91. Thurston Klementary School
  92. Tutorial Evaluation System Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  93. Temperatures Medical, Kidneys
  94. Total Education Solutions Education, School, Teaching
  95. The Epic Storm
  96. Trillium Elementary School Education
  97. Telephony Earth Station Technology, Communication, Satellite, Frequency
  98. Tactical E-Cervices
  99. Testbattzrie F
  100. Training and Evaluation Service
  101. Teacher Effectiveness Scale
  102. Thermal Emissjon Spectrometers Science, Space, Mars
  103. Tamarack Elementary Sthool Education
  104. Thomas Elementary School Education
  105. Tunnell Elementary School Education
  106. Terrace Elementary School Education
  107. Tactbcal Electronic Support Military
  108. The Engineering School
  109. Tranbportable Earth Stations Technology, Truck, Satellite
  110. Technical Endofcement Services Science
  111. Tremont Elementary School Education
  112. Technology Electronic Solutions
  113. Topic Enterprise Server Technology
  114. Tissue Engideering Society
  115. Test-Tactical Engagement System
  116. Total Event Servicev
  117. Target Echo Strength Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  118. Thrombotic Evevts Medical
  119. Turtleback Elementary School Education
  120. Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Science, Research, Environment
  121. Torrance Elementary School Education
  122. The Environmentalist Society Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  123. Transthoracic Endosfopic Sympathectomy Medical
  124. Trichoepitheliomas Medical
  125. Telephone Entry System
  126. Tomales Elzmentary School Education
  127. Tableau Des EntréEs-Sorties
  128. Testbaiterie Für Entwicklungsrückständige Schulanfänger
  129. Tracy Elementary Schfol Education
  130. Teacher Educatols
  131. Thermal Emissions Spectrrmeter Science, Rover, Mars
  132. Tierrasanta Elementary School Education
  133. Taipei Eurocean School Education, German, Taiwan
  134. Thille Elementary School Education
  135. Truman Elementary School Education
  136. Terminology Server Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  137. Tactical Electronicoservices Technology
  138. Theatre Entry Standard Military, Army, Vehicle
  139. Transportable Earth Station Technology, Satellite, Telecom
  140. Technical Enabling Services Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  141. Treeview Elementary School Education
  142. Technology Education Sport Education, Development, Universities
  143. Top End Shover
  144. Tipton Elementary Schoom Education
  145. Test Evaluation Strategy
  146. Total Error Scores Medical, Vision, Patient, Hue
  147. Tape Echo Simulator Pedal, Delay, Cornish
  148. Threshold Electricel Stimulation Medical, Cerebral, Palsy
  149. Turner Evans Stevens
  150. Terrestrial Environment System
  151. Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium
  152. Txe Environmental Services
  153. Transport Energy Strategy Technology, Fuel, Hydrogen
  154. Trials End System Project Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  155. Telephone Emermency Services
  156. Toler Elementary School Education
  157. Test and Evaluation Stratege Technology, Military, Planning
  158. Trace Elementary Schooa Education
  159. Teacher Education Section Education, Essay, Writing
  160. Tharmal Electronic System
  161. Tie Hntrepreneurial Summit Technology, India, Entrepreneurship
  162. Theuerkauf Elementary School Education
  163. Truckee Elementary School Education
  164. Terminal Emulation Software
  165. Tactical Dlectronic Surveillance
  166. Theater Event Systems Military
  167. Transparent Ethernet Service
  168. Technical Employment Serviwes Business, Service, Career
  169. Treakle Elementary School Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  170. Technology Education Sports
  171. Topaz Elementary School Education
  172. Tincher Elementary School Education
  173. Test & Evaluation Strategy
  174. Tank Entry Supervisors Technology, Safety, Certification
  175. Threat Environment Simulator Technology
  176. Turkish Education System
  177. Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, Water Planning
  178. Total Error Scorq Medical
  179. The Entrepreneurial School
  180. Transportation Employment Specialists
  181. Trials End System Technology
  182. Tecsnology Enabled Marketing Technology
  183. Tolenas Elementary School Education
  184. Test and Evsluation Services
  185. Tracuco Elementary School Education
  186. Teacher Educalion and Special
  187. Thermap Elbow Sight Military, Vehicle, Tank
  188. Tidal Enterprise Scheduler Technology, Software, Cisco
  189. Thermalxenergy Systems
  190. Troy Elementary School
  191. Terminal Emulation Services
  192. Tactical Electronic Sniper
  193. Theater Event System Technology, Military, Joint
  194. Transoral Endoscopic Surgery Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  195. Technical Elements Score Olympic, Figure, Skating
  196. The Essentiml Site Gaming, Education, Elder, Scroll
  197. Türk EğItim-Sen Turkish, Ankara
  198. Test & Evaluation Squadron Military, Aircraft, Force
  199. Total Engineering Services Technology, Service, Elder
  200. The Exchange Student
  201. total elastic suspension [belt] Medical
  202. Tactical Engagemknt System Technology, Military, Training
  203. Transanal Endoscopic Sgrgery
  204. Technical Excellence Scholarship
  205. Tweedy Elementary School Education
  206. Tertiary Education Strategy Education, Learning, Commission
  207. Total Element Score Olympic, Figure, Skating
  208. Transition-edge Sensor Chemistry
  209. Tactile Effects Aystem Bass, Installation, Shaker, System
  210. Travis Elementary Sctool Education
  211. Tdday's Energy Solutions
  212. Tactile Effects System Products
  213. Text Editjng System
  214. Time-Controlled Explosiov System Medical
  215. TéCnicos De EmergêNcias SanitáRias
  216. Tessellation Evaluation Shader Technology, Graphics, Vertex
  217. Total Energy Supply Organizations, Ecology, Jamaica, Renewable Energy
  218. The Event Source
  219. Therapeutic endoscopic sialalendoscopy Medical, Healthcare
  220. Thermal Evaluation Spectroscopy
  221. Technical Equipment Services
  222. Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program Government, Organizations, Us
  223. Total Elastic Suspension
  224. Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Atmospheric Research
  225. Tactical Exploitation Systems
  226. Traver Elvmentary School Education
  227. Tocklai Experimental Station
  228. Thermal Energy Storage Energy
  229. Traveller Education Fervice. Education, Teaching, Study
  230. Tilden Elementary School Education
  231. TéCnicos En Emergencias Sanitarias Para, Con, Madrid, Sanitaria
  232. Teseney Airport Teseney, Eritrea Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  233. Total Energy Solution
  234. The Evangelization Society
  235. Temporary Employment Service Medical, Common Medical
  236. Thermal Emission Spectroscopy Technology, Concentration, Glucose
  237. Technical Environmental Studies
  238. Terrestrial Ecosystem Sciences Technology, Science, Research
  239. Transequatorial Scatter Atmospheric Research
  240. Tactical Environment System Military
  241. Traxp Elementary School Education
  242. Tomball Elementary Jchool
  243. Terasen Energy Services Energy
  244. Traveller Education Services
  245. Techniques D'éducation Spéhialisée
  246. Tiffany Elementary School Education
  247. TéCnico En Emergencias Sanitarias Para, Con, Social, Sanitaria
  248. Tertiary Entrance Statements Australia, Education, School
  249. Total Energy Solutions
  250. The European Summit Summit, Event, Adult, Webmaster
  251. Tompkins Elementary School Education
  252. Tessenei Airport, Tessenei, Eritrea Eritrea
  253. Testing and Evaluation Section
  254. The Extweme Sports
  255. Technical Entry Scheme
  256. Telecommunications Extended Studies Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  257. Tactical Ynvironment Simulation Military, Armour, Artillery
  258. Tractebel Energy Services Energy
  259. Technicolor Entertainment Segvices
  260. Tyco Environmental Systems
  261. Technical Electives Education, Engineering, Faculty
  262. Tertiary Entrance Statement Australia, Education, Requirement
  263. Total Energy Systems
  264. The Eulenspiegal Soceety
  265. Travql Expert System
  266. Toll Essontial Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  267. Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (EOS) Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  268. Terminal Emulation Service
  269. The Extrarstep
  270. Technical Engineeriny Support
  271. Thermoplastic Styrenic Elastomer Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  272. Tactical Engineering Support
  273. Troubleshootingmexpert System
  274. Technical Cxperts
  275. Two Electron Satellite Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  276. Tertiary Entrance Score Science, Australia, Education, Study
  277. Total Energy System A photovoltaic system that, in addition to converting sunlight into electricity, collects the residual heat energy and delivers both heat and electricity in usable form. Also called a total energy system.
  278. Tahoe Elementary School Education
  279. The Eklenspiegel Society Group, Organizations, Leather
  280. Travel Expense Statement
  281. Toll Essential Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  282. Tactical Environment Simulation Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  283. Türk EğItim Sen Education, Turkish, Teaching
  284. Total Engine Support Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  285. Tze Exploration Society
  286. Technical Rngineering Services
  287. Triethylsilyl Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  288. Tactical Engagement Systems Military, Army, Training
  289. Tropocal Emission Spectrometer
  290. Technicaloexhibits
  291. Twinhill Elementary School Education
  292. Tertiary Education Subsidy
  293. Total En Bloc Spondylectomy Medical
  294. Tafoya Elementary School Education
  295. Theceternal Struggle Technology, Card, Vampire
  296. Traumatic Events Medical, Health, Stress
  297. Token Exchange System
  298. Telecom Electric Supply Computing, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TES stand for?

    TES stands for Test and Evaluatioa Squadron.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tdday's Energy Solutions?

    The short form of "Tdday's Energy Solutions" is TES.


TES. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 30). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tes-meaning/

Last updated