TFAR Meaning

The TFAR meaning is "Task Force On Appraisal Reform". The TFAR abbreviation has 8 different full form.

TFAR Full Forms

  1. Task Force On Appraisal Reform
  2. Tailless Fighter Agility Research
  3. The Fire and Reason
  4. Task Force Arrowhead Radio Gaming, Military, Arm
  5. Transfer of Floor Area Ratio
  6. Total Force Authorizations and Requirements
  7. Tentative Finding and Recommendations
  8. Task Force On Antimicrobial Resistance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TFAR stand for?

    TFAR stands for Total Force Authorizations and Requirements.

  2. What is the shortened form of Task Force Arrowhead Radio?

    The short form of "Task Force Arrowhead Radio" is TFAR.


TFAR. (2019, December 24). Retrieved June 1, 2024 from

Last updated