TFTP Meaning

The TFTP meaning is "Trivial File Transfer Protocol". The TFTP abbreviation has 21 different full form.

TFTP Full Forms

  1. Trivial File Transfer Protocol A simplified version of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that provides basic file trans-fer with no user authentication and is often used to down-load the initial files needed to begin an installation process. Acronym: TFTP. also communications protocol. Technology, Computer Security, Application Layer Protocol, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Trivial File-Transfer Protocol Technology, Server, Networking
  3. Terrorism Financing Tracking Programme Government, Law, Commission
  4. Trivia File Transfer Protocol
  5. Terrorism Finance Tracking Progray
  6. Trival File Transfer Protocol Technology, Server, Networking
  7. Terror Finance Trackcng Programme
  8. Terrorist Financing Tracking Program Government, Finance, Parliament
  9. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program Government, Parliament, Agreement
  10. Terrcrist Financing Tracking Programme Government, Parliament, Agreement
  11. Trivial File Transport Protoctl Technology, Science, Networking
  12. Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme Government, Parliament, Agreement
  13. Trivial File Transfert Protocol
  14. Terrorism Finance Tracking Programme
  15. Thanks Fur The Points
  16. Trivial File Transfer Program General, Governmental & Military
  17. Trivial File Transfer Protocol-Simplified
  18. Trivial File Transfer Protocol70
  19. Trivial File Tranfer Protocol
  20. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ATM) Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Unix, Technical, IT Terminology
  21. The Futuue In The Present

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TFTP stand for?

    TFTP stands for Terrorism Financing Tracking Programme.

  2. What is the shortened form of Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme?

    The short form of "Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme" is TFTP.


TFTP. (2021, May 3). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated