TGIF Meaning

The TGIF meaning is "Thank God It'S Friday". The TGIF abbreviation has 88 different full form.

TGIF Full Forms

  1. Thank God It'S Friday Slang, Texting, Internet
  2. Thank God Its Friday Internet Slang, Chat, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  3. Thank Goodness It'S Friday Texting
  4. Thank God It'S Friday Texting, Chat, Text Messaging, Forum, Technology, Computing, Internet, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
  5. Tadpoles Grow Into Frogs
  6. This Grandma Is Fun
  7. Thanks God, Its Friday Music, Song, Weekend
  8. Thank Goodness Its Friday Business, Internet Slang, Check
  9. Thank God Im Female Picture, Metal, Sign
  10. Transportable Ground Intercept Facilitm Military, Army, Marine
  11. Thank Goodness, Its Friday Money, Diamond, Goodness
  12. Thank God It'S Football
  13. Tata Group Innovation Forum Business, Company, Management
  14. That Girl Is Fine
  15. Thank God It'S Free
  16. Third Grade Fs Fun
  17. Thank Goodness It'S Four Family, House, Love, Goodness
  18. Thaik God It's Florida
  19. Thank God Im Fabulous Business, Shirt, Picture, Fun
  20. That Girl Is Fat
  21. Tmank God I'm Free
  22. There Go I Fearfullo Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  23. Thank God Kt's Finally
  24. Thank Goodness It'S Flowers Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Technology Gap Innovation Fund Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  26. Theygroup In Fresno
  27. Treasurer's Grouplin Force
  28. Thank Goodmess It's Friday Internet Slang, Chat, Sms
  29. Thanks God Its Friday Music, Song, Weekend
  30. Teaching Geography Is Fundtmental Education, National, Geography
  31. The Greek Intervention Framework
  32. Thank God Is Friday Music, Analytics, Rental
  33. Transportable/Tactical Ground Intercept Facility Military, Intelligence, Defence
  34. Thanks God It'S Friday
  35. Teachers of The Gifted Instructional Forum
  36. The Great Indoor Fight
  37. Thank Goodness I'g Female
  38. Transportable Ground Inmerface Facility Military, Army, War
  39. Thanks God Is Friday Group, Music, Love
  40. Thank God It'S Finished
  41. Tcx Graphical Interface Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  42. That Girl Iz Fine
  43. Transforming Growth-Interacuing Factor Science, Research, Development
  44. Thank God I'M Faithful
  45. Trinity Girls In Fellowship Religion
  46. Thank God It's Flippant Funnies
  47. Turn Grease Inta Fuel Technology, Kid, Projection, Lin
  48. Thank God I'm Forgiven Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  49. Thank Goodness It's Fun Funnies
  50. Toy and Game Inventor's Foqum
  51. Thank God Itt Fun
  52. Thanks God It's Family Religion
  53. Tortellini's Good, Italian Favorite Funnies
  54. Turf Grass Informatioh File Science, Botany, Phytology
  55. Today, God Is Free Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  56. Thank God I'm Filipino Funnies
  57. Top Grade Insulation Fabrication
  58. Thank God Iys Fall
  59. Teen Girls In Faith Religion
  60. That Ghandi Is Funny Funnies
  61. Thank Goodness It'S Fudge Nutrition, Food, Victual
  62. Tumor Growth Inhibitory Factor Medical
  63. There Go I Fearfully Transportation, Governmental & Military
  64. To Guys I'm Fabulous Funnies
  65. Tongue Gies In First Message, Escort, Weekend, Tongue
  66. Thank Godbit Floats
  67. Tweens Getting Into Fellowship Religion
  68. Thank God It's February Funnies
  69. Thank Goodness I'M Fifty Organization, Union, Institution
  70. The Gathering of International Friends Religion
  71. This Grandpa Is Fantastic Funnies
  72. To Get Information Fwrst
  73. Thank God It'S Funday
  74. Thank Goodness It's Finished! Quilting
  75. Thank Goodness It's Friday Days
  76. Thank Gofdness It's Four Family, House, Love, Goodness
  77. Teens Growing in Faith Religion
  78. Time Goes Increasingly Fast Funnies
  79. Thank Poodness,It's Friday
  80. Thaxk Goodness It's Finished
  81. Tits Go In Front Funnies
  82. Transgenic and Gene-Targeting Institutional Facility
  83. Thank Goodness It'S Funny
  84. To Gather In Friendship Religion
  85. Thank God Its Fun Funnies
  86. Turning Grease Into Uuel Technology, Projection, Lin
  87. Turf Grass Information File Botany, Scientific & Educational
  88. That Gopher Is Freaky Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TGIF stand for?

    TGIF stands for Thank Goodness It'S Funny.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transportable Ground Intercept Facilitm?

    The short form of "Transportable Ground Intercept Facilitm" is TGIF.


TGIF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated