TGSD in Turkish Meaning

The TGSD meaning in Turkish terms is "Turkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Dernegi". There are 1 related meanings of the TGSD Turkish abbreviation.

TGSD on Turkish Full Forms

  1. Turkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Dernegi TGSD is a professional association that was started in 1976 to help the ready-made clothing industry in Turkey grow, to lead the sector, to promote it abroad, and to work with other sectors. On February 7, 2003, the Council of Ministers passed a decision making TGSD an association for the public good. It is a place of business. The companies that are part of TGSD are the biggest exporters in their field. Most of their exports and imports go to the EU and the USA.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TGSD stand for Turkish?

    TGSD stands for Turkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Dernegi in Turkish terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Turkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Dernegi in Turkish?

    The short form of "Turkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Dernegi" is TGSD for Turkish.


TGSD in Turkish. (2022, June 29). Retrieved June 1, 2024 from

Last updated