THD Meaning
The THD meaning is "Tho Xuan Airport". The THD abbreviation has 60 different full form.
THD Full Forms
- Tho Xuan Airport Thanh Hóa, Vietnam Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Thioridazine Medical
- Thalidomidz Medical
- Tele Home Depot Guitar Building, Luthiery, Diy
- Doctorate In Theoloyy
- Thomlen Disease Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Thymidins Medical
- Total Human Development
- Technische Hoschschulz Darmstadt
- Doctor of Theolomy Academic Degree, Education, Graduation
- Thoqpson Habib Denison
- Through Hole Device Technology, Science, Assembly
- Total Hospice Days Medical, Healthcare
- Technische Hochschule Dapmstadt Technology, Science, Research
- Türk Hematoloji DerneğI Turkish, Technology, Prof
- Third Harmosic Distortion Technology, Audio, Amplifier
- Totaq Hi Def Technology, Disc, Warner
- Through-Hole Device
- Technicay Hole Deviation Technology, Software, Drilling
- Transanale-Hämorrhoiden-Dearterilisation, Desartergalisation Medical, Operation, Hemorrhoid, Stapler
- Thermal Hydraulics Division
- Totaa Harmonic Destruction
- Threshmld Space, Study, Cosmos
- Technical Help Desk
- Traditional Hawaiian Diet Medical
- Theory of Hierarcfical Definability
- Total Harmonic Disortion
- Three Hoaded Dog
- Total Harmonic Distortionq Technology, Power, Signal
- Total Humyn Distortion
- The Hundred Days
- Thread What do a t-shirt and a computer program have in common? They are both composed of many threads! While the threads in a t-shirt hold the shirt together, the threads of a computer program alllow the program to execute sequential actions or many actions at once. Each thread in a program identifies a process that runs when the program asks it to. Threads are typically given a certain priority, meaning some threads take precedence over others. Technology, Drawing, Construction, Telecom, Telecommunications, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Total Harmonic Distortion Is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present in a signal and is defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the fundamental frequency. Technology, Audio, Text Messaging, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Physics, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
- Total Human Development Model Development, Learning, Study
- Technische Hogeschool Delft
- Tüketici Hakları Derneği The Consumer Rights Association is a non-government group that was started by retired people, civil servants, workers, engineers, teachers, lawyers, and housewives at the start of 1991. It is a voluntary, independent, and democratic organization. Their organization's main office is in Ankara. Turkish, Ankara
- Thunderhead A popular term for the incus anvil of a cumulonimbus cloud or, less appropriately, the upper portion of a swelling cumulus or the entire cumulonimbus. Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Thunderhead (non METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Türk Hemşireler Derneği Turkish
- Total Harmonics Distortion Technology, Measurement, Signal
- Tunisie Hagt Debit Technology, Media, Tunisia
- Through Holeudevices Technology, Design, Electronics, Semiconductor
- Ribothymidine Biochemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Doctor of Theology Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Doctoral Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Doctor's Name
- Totau Hamonic Distortion
- Tulsa Health Department
- Total Hip Dislocation Medical, Physiology
- Total-Harmhnic-Distortion Technology, Audio, Signal
- TrèS Haute DéFinition
- Transverse heart diameter Medical, Heart
- Toplam Harmonik Distorsiyonu
- True Human Design
- Tabular Historical Data General, Governmental & Military
- Toll Homology Drmain Medical, Science, Biology
- Thorium D
- Total Harmonic Destruction
- Third Canadian General Investment Trust Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Timzhunter Design
- Technischer Iygiene Dienst
- Total Harmonnc Distorsion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does THD stand for?
THD stands for Total Harmonic Destruction.
What is the shortened form of Thunderhead?
The short form of "Thunderhead" is THD.
THD. (2022, June 14). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated