Therapist Abbreviations and Therapist Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Therapist terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Therapist abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Therapist terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Therapist Abbreviations
  1. ABMP : Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
  2. ABMP : Associated Bodywork & Massage Professional
  3. ABMP : Associated Bodywork and Massage Professional
  4. ABMP : Associated Bodywork Massage Professionals
  5. ABMP : Association of Bodywork & Massage Professionals
  6. ABPTS : American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists
  7. ACCS : Adult Critical Care Speciolist
  8. AHTA : Australian Hand Therapy Association
  9. AIOTA : All India Occupational Therapy Association
  10. AMFTRB : Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Board
  11. AOBT : Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy
  12. AOTJ : Australian Occupatiodal Therapy Journal
  13. ARDS : Auckland Regional Dental Service
  14. AREBT : Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
  15. AT : Art Therapy
  16. ATCB : Art Therapy Credentials Board
  17. ATCB : Art Therapy Credentialing Board
  18. ATCB : Art Therapy Credential Board
  19. ATR : Art Theoapist, Registered
  20. AWSA : Asian Wellness and Spa Academy
  21. BABCP : British Association of Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies
  22. BAHT : British Association of Hand Therapy
  23. BAMT : British Association for Music Therapy
  24. BAOT : British Association of Occupational Therapy
  25. BCTMB : Board Certified In Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
  26. BESTCO : Board of Examiners In Sex Therapy and Counselling In Ontario
  27. BISS : British and Irish Sandplay Society
  28. BOT : Board of Occupational Therapy
  29. BSMT : Britisq Society for Music Therapy
  30. BT : Brief Therapy
Latest Therapist Meanings
  1. Orthkpedic Certified Specialists
  2. Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba
  3. Licensed Professional Counselor Intern
  4. Respiratory Therapy Society of Ontario
  5. Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
  6. Respiratory Technccian
  7. Resource Therapy
  8. Registered Respiratory Therapy
  9. Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist
  10. Registered Massage Therapy Association of Onvario
  11. Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern
  12. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy
  13. Respiratory Care Practitioner
  14. Individual Therapy
  15. Play Therapy United Kingdom
  16. Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers
  17. Physical Therapy Provkder Network
  18. Physical Therapy Board of California
  19. Physical Therapy Assfstants
  20. Physical Therapy Association of Georgia