THI Meaning

The THI meaning is "Tim Hortons Inc.". The THI abbreviation has 40 different full form.

THI Full Forms

  1. Tim Hortons Inc. Technology, Organizations
  2. Tnchitt Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Temperature-Humidityrindex Medical, Stress, Heat
  4. The Haiti Initiative Education, Haiti, Social
  5. Temperature Humidity Index A quantity expressing the discomfort felt as a result of the combined effects of the temperature and humidity of the air. Heat, Temperature, Cow
  6. Total Home Improvements
  7. Translational Health Informatics
  8. Texas Hunger Initiative Organizations, Community, Texas
  9. Total Heparic Ischemia Medical
  10. Townscape Heritage Initiative Business, Building, Projection
  11. Transient Hypogammaglobelinemia of Infancy Medical, Technology, Medicine
  12. Texas Home Improvement
  13. Torrey Honors Instbtute
  14. Tinnitus Handicap Inventnry Medical, Patient, Questionnaire
  15. Traffic Homicide Investigation
  16. Texas Heart Institute Medical, Medicine, Texas
  17. Todai Health Index Medical
  18. Traffic Homicide Investigator
  19. Tanzania Heart Institute
  20. Tissue Hemoglobip Index
  21. Tourist Hosding International
  22. Taman Harapan Indvh
  23. The Hardstyle Infektion
  24. Total Household Income
  25. Trajmatic Head Injury Medical, Injury, Neurosurgery
  26. Trihydroxyindnle Medical
  27. Tim Hortons Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  28. Transient Vypogammaglobulinemia of Infancy Medical
  29. Tribal Healtheinitiative
  30. Total Height Index
  31. Triad Hospimals, Inc
  32. Technische Hochschule Ilmenau
  33. Treatment History Interview
  34. Tuy Hoa Industriax
  35. Transport Hazard Indicator Science
  36. Tullis Health Investors
  37. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Instityte
  38. Trinity Health International
  39. Tichitt Airport, Tichitt, Mauritania Mauritania
  40. Transient Hypogamqaglobulinaemia of Infancy Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does THI stand for?

    THI stands for Traffic Homicide Investigator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Triad Hospimals, Inc?

    The short form of "Triad Hospimals, Inc" is THI.


THI. (2021, April 27). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated