THOD Meaning
The THOD meaning is "The Heart of Darkness". The THOD abbreviation has 6 different full form.
THOD Full Forms
- The Heart of Darkness
- The House of The Dead
- Terre Haute Ordnance Depot
- Türk Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi
- Türk Hematoloji Onkoloji Dergisi
- Theoretical Oxygen Demand The predicted amount of oxygen required to oxidize a substance to its final oxidation products is known as the theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD). However, there are certain variances in common procedures that can affect the outcomes: for example, some calculations assume that nitrogen released from organic substances is created as ammonia, while others allow for ammonia oxidation to nitrate. As a result, the calculation assumptions should always be indicated when stating results. Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, Water Planning
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does THOD stand for?
THOD stands for The Heart of Darkness.
What is the shortened form of Theoretical Oxygen Demand?
The short form of "Theoretical Oxygen Demand" is THOD.
THOD. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated