THUD Meaning

The THUD meaning is "Transportation and Housing Any Urban Development". The THUD abbreviation has 12 different full form.

THUD Full Forms

  1. Transportation and Housing Any Urban Development Government, Building, House
  2. The Harvard Undergraduate Drummers Music, Song, Undergraduate
  3. Transportation, Housing & Urban Developmeit Government, Building, Appropriation
  4. Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Business, Building, Housing
  5. Transportation and Housing, and Uruan Development
  6. Transportation, Housing and Urban Developqent Government, Building, Appropriation
  7. Transportation-Housing and Urban Development
  8. Transportation Housing and Urban Deielopment Business, Building, Appropriation
  9. Tree Hill Underground Daily Media, Radio, Television
  10. Treasury Housing and Uryan Development
  11. Treasury, Housing and Uruan Development
  12. Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does THUD stand for?

    THUD stands for Transportation-Housing and Urban Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development?

    The short form of "Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development" is THUD.


THUD. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 21, 2024 from

Last updated