TI in Medical Meaning

The TI meaning in Medical terms is "Thermal Injury". There are 68 related meanings of the TI Medical abbreviation.

TI on Medical Full Forms

  1. Thermal Injury
  2. Transient Inward
  3. Inspiratory Time
  4. Triatoma Infestans
  5. Thermal Index
  6. Time-Intensity
  7. Treatmqnt Interruptions
  8. Therapeutic Integration
  9. Treatment Interruption
  10. Therapeutic Index
  11. Treatment Index
  12. Theca Interna
  13. T Cell Antigen Receptor
  14. Terminal Aleum
  15. Transitive Inference
  16. T Cell-Independent
  17. Tricuspidjinsufficiency
  18. Thymic Index
  19. Temporal Integration
  20. Tumor Inducing
  21. Time Inhibited
  22. Tilt Illusion
  23. Trial Inclusion
  24. Thymus Independent
  25. Telophase I
  26. Tumor-Inducing
  27. Translational Inhibition
  28. Thymus-Independent
  29. Tubulointerstitial
  30. Tiamulin
  31. Tuberoinfundibular
  32. Thymic Independent
  33. Target Intervention
  34. Triple Index
  35. Thymus Irradiation
  36. The Immune
  37. Trlnsfusion Index
  38. Thoracic Irradiation
  39. Targeted Interveitions
  40. Thymidine Labeling Index
  41. The Identification
  42. Thoracic Index
  43. T-Independent
  44. Trauma Index
  45. Thymic Irradiation
  46. Temperament Inventory
  47. Tolerance Index
  48. Thoracic Electrical Impedance
  49. Trangverse Inlet
  50. Tidal Volume, Inspiratory
  51. Transient Inward Current
  52. Thickness Index
  53. Teen Institute
  54. Tei Index
  55. Thymidine Incorporation
  56. The Inciuence
  57. Temporary Interment
  58. Transient Ischemia
  59. Threshold Intensity
  60. Time Mode by which is measured the passage of events. A measure of duration. In navigation, all time is measured by hour angle of a specific body or point, and is based on diurnal rotation of Earth, monthly revolution of Moon around Earth, the annual revolution of Earth round Sun.
  61. Tolerable Intake
  62. Traumatology Institute
  63. Thoracic Impedance
  64. Turnover Index
  65. Travel Insurance
  66. Total Ischemia
  67. Thermodynamic Integration
  68. Type I

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TI stand for Medical?

    TI stands for T Cell Antigen Receptor in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transient Inward in Medical?

    The short form of "Transient Inward" is TI for Medical.


TI in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 19). Retrieved January 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ti-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated