TIM in Technology Meaning

The TIM meaning in Technology terms is "Time Is Money". There are 57 related meanings of the TIM Technology abbreviation.

TIM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Time Is Money
  2. Technology Innovation Management
  3. Technical Interchange Meetings
  4. Technical Interchange Meeting
  5. Technical Information Memo
  6. Technical Information Manager
  7. Timing The fix schedule or system of any system. Technically in automobiles it is used for the timings of ignition of fuel by spark produced by spark plug. Timing error an error in a system due to faulty time relationships between its con-stituents.
  8. Theater Information Managers
  9. Traffic Information Messages
  10. Tigers In The Mist
  11. Telephony Interface Module
  12. Timer Interface Module
  13. Test Information Management
  14. Transit Inter-Modulation
  15. Ticket Issuing Machines
  16. Telephony Interface Modules
  17. Testability Improvement Modification
  18. Transient Intermodulation
  19. Ticket Issuing Machine
  20. Telephony Interface Manager
  21. Tunnel Information Management
  22. Thermal Interface Materials
  23. Technical Interface Memo
  24. Tempe In Motion
  25. Total Indicator Movement
  26. Thermal Imaging Module
  27. Transaction Information Manager
  28. Technical Interface Meeting
  29. Trans Information Media
  30. Teletyper Input Method
  31. The Incredible Machine
  32. Tool Interface Module
  33. Technology Integration Mentor
  34. Trafik I MäLardalen
  35. Telepoint Subscriber Identification Module
  36. Timestamp
  37. Talent In Motion
  38. Transfer Initiation Message
  39. Textile Integrated Manufacturing
  40. Tablet Interface Modules
  41. Transducer Interface Module
  42. Time In Market
  43. Telecom Italy Mobile
  44. Tablet Interface Module
  45. Transactions On Instrumentation & Measurement
  46. Time In Mode
  47. Terracotta Integration Module
  48. T1 Interface Module
  49. Total Innovation Management
  50. Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement
  51. Time-In-Mode
  52. Trustworthy Internet Movement
  53. Change of Time Information
  54. Time-Based Inductive Machine
  55. The Integrated Model
  56. Time Information Management
  57. Transformation of Installation Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TIM stand for Technology?

    TIM stands for Tablet Interface Module in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Technical Interface Memo in Technology?

    The short form of "Technical Interface Memo" is TIM for Technology.


TIM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tim-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated