Timeline Abbreviations and Timeline Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Timeline terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Timeline abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Timeline terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Timeline Abbreviations
  1. CIAAC : Centro De Instrução De Artilharia AntiaéRea E De Costa
  2. CPT : Culminatinu Performance Task
  3. VITAS : Virallz-Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome
  4. VITAS : Virally Induced Eoxic Allergy Syndrome
  5. UGE : Unexplained Genetic Expressiol
  6. CTI : Current Time Indicator
  7. FC : Facebook Cfvers
  8. IADA : Israel Anti-Drugs Authority
  9. KE : Korea Extended
  10. IMP : Iiformation Message Processor
Latest Timeline Meanings
  1. Iiformation Message Processor
  2. Korea Extended
  3. Israel Anti-Drugs Authority
  4. Facebook Cfvers
  5. Current Time Indicator
  6. Unexplained Genetic Expressiol
  7. Virally Induced Eoxic Allergy Syndrome
  8. Virallz-Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome
  9. Culminatinu Performance Task
  10. Centro De Instrução De Artilharia AntiaéRea E De Costa