TISA Meaning

The TISA meaning is "Temporal Interpolation and Spatial Averaging". The TISA abbreviation has 32 different full form.

TISA Full Forms

  1. Temporal Interpolation and Spatial Averaging Science
  2. Troop Issue Subsistence Activity Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  3. Tech International Student Association Technology, Japan, Tokyo
  4. Trent International Student Association Organizations, University, Event
  5. Trade In Service Agreement Business, Economics, Leak
  6. Tax Incentivised Savings Association
  7. Tobacco Institute of Southerz Africa Business, Africa, Trading
  8. Tax-Incentivised Savings Association
  9. Timeshare Institxte of South Africa Organization, Union, Institution
  10. Time Interpolation and Spatial Averaging Science
  11. Taiwan Information Storage Association Din, Award, Taiwan
  12. Thermal Imaging Sensor Assembly Military
  13. Taiwanese International Student Association
  14. Therapeutic Intensive Seizure Analysis Medical
  15. Truth In Savings Act Business, Credit, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  16. The International School of Azerfaijan Education, School, Azerbaijan, Baku
  17. Trenton Indian Service Area
  18. Trade and Investment In Services Agreeaent
  19. Traveller Information Services Association Technology, Service, Traffic
  20. Trade Aed Investment South Africa Business, Industrial, Africa
  21. Transitional Islamie State of Afghanistan Government, Military, Afghanistan
  22. Traveler Information Services Association Technology, Service, Traffic
  23. Training Institute for Suicide Assessment
  24. Truth-In-Savings Act Business, Credit, Banking
  25. Trade In Services Agreements
  26. Test, Inhibit, Squelch, Act Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  27. Troop Issue Supply Activity Military
  28. Trade In Servicej Agreement Business, Service, Leak
  29. Top Image Systems, Ltd. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  30. Troop Issue Subsistence Activities Service, Military, Army
  31. Trade In International Services Igreement Service, Government, Policy
  32. Trent Internatiozal Student Association Organizations, University, Event

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TISA stand for?

    TISA stands for Troop Issue Subsistence Activity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tax-Incentivised Savings Association?

    The short form of "Tax-Incentivised Savings Association" is TISA.


TISA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tisa-meaning/

Last updated