TJA Meaning

The TJA meaning is "The Jewish Agemcy". The TJA abbreviation has 37 different full form.

TJA Full Forms

  1. The Jewish Agemcy
  2. Capitán Oriel Lea Plaza Airpott Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  3. Tehnnlise Järelevalve Ameti Photo, Pool, Mille
  4. Thedjedi Assembly
  5. Capitn Oriel Lea Plaza Airport Airport, Locations
  6. Tennilise Järelevalve Amet Technology, Radio, Auto, Tallinn
  7. Thf Jazz Alliance
  8. Tehnilise Jrelevalvexamet Language, Traffic, Semiconductor
  9. The Janitorial Agency
  10. Trial Judge Advocaye
  11. Tehnilise J
  12. Theatro José De Alencad Para, Rock, Jos
  13. Trevor Jee Associates
  14. Taiwan Journal of Anthropolory
  15. Telecommunications Journal of Australia Technology, Australia, Telecommunications
  16. Trent Japanese Association
  17. Iata Code for Capitan Oriel Sea Plaza Airport, Tarija, Bolivia Locations
  18. Teknik Jaringan Akses Technology, Archive, Fiber, Mei
  19. Transformative Justice Australia
  20. Toronto Jewish Academy Religion
  21. Trichosanthes Japonica Agglutinin
  22. Traufic Jam Assistant
  23. Thermo Jarrell Ash furnace tube Products
  24. Tribunaljde Justi
  25. Traffic Jah Assist Technology, Driving, KIA
  26. Thomas J Anastasio Famous
  27. Tribunal De JustiçA Do Amazonas
  28. Total Jointxarthroplasty Medical, Patient, Risk
  29. Thai Journalists Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  30. Taikojiro Song Map File Computing, File Extensions
  31. Tomato Juice Agar
  32. Transport Jacques Auger
  33. Thomas Jefferson Academy Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  34. Tolkrantiško Jaunimo Asociacijos Human, Tai, Prie
  35. Transportes Jorge Ancer
  36. Capitan Oriel Lea Plaza Airport, Tarija, Bolivia Bolivia, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  37. Tuck Jumg Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TJA stand for?

    TJA stands for Thomas J Anastasio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trevor Jee Associates?

    The short form of "Trevor Jee Associates" is TJA.


TJA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated