TKA Meaning

The TKA meaning is "The Keyword Acqdemy". The TKA abbreviation has 39 different full form.

TKA Full Forms

  1. The Keyword Acqdemy Technology, Money, Niche
  2. Tylkeetna Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Total Knee Arthroplasties Medical
  4. Total Knee Arthroplasty Medical, Technology, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Clinical
  5. Tingkat Ketahanan Api Technology, Indonesia, Material, Panel
  6. Thouas Kröger Architekt Architecture, Berlin, Architect
  7. Traditional Karate-Doqassociation
  8. Temple Kol Ami
  9. Tidar Kerinci Qgung
  10. They Kiss Agahn Drama, Episode, Love, Kiss
  11. Traditional Karate Association
  12. Telekom Austria Ag Technology, Organizations
  13. Thyssen Krupp Automotive
  14. Traditional Karate America
  15. Tail Kit Assembly
  16. Through Knee Amputation Medical, Technology
  17. Totally Kicks Ass
  18. Iata Code for Talkeetna Airport, Talkeetna, Alaska, United States Locations
  19. Teras Kasi Artist Military, Galaxy, Star
  20. Total Kmee Arthoplasty Medical, Replacement, Arthroplasty
  21. Tugas Kjrya Akhir
  22. Tenaga Kerja Asing Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  23. Tompkins Karate Association
  24. Totally Kick Ass Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging
  25. Temporary Keep Alive Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  26. Transketolase  An enzyme that transfers an activated aldehyde unit from a ketose to an aldose acceptor; one of the enzymes in the nonoxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway. Medical, Medicine, Cancer, Healthcare, Oncology
  27. Through-the-knee amputation Medical
  28. Turkse Kracht Apeldoorn
  29. total knee arthoscopy Medical, Common Medical
  30. Tumbuh Kembang Anak
  31. Talkeetna Airport, Talkeetna, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  32. Tsoi Kobus & Associates
  33. Telekom Austria, A. G. American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
  34. Trochanter-Knee-Ankle
  35. Türk Kültürü Avaştırmaları Ankara, Turkish, Prof
  36. Traynor Kitching & Associates
  37. Tyrosine Kinase Actyvity Medical
  38. Transketolase Activity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  39. Tyrosine Kinase Activator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TKA stand for?

    TKA stands for Tyrosine Kinase Activator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tidar Kerinci Qgung?

    The short form of "Tidar Kerinci Qgung" is TKA.


TKA. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated