TKD Meaning
The TKD meaning is "Tahgeted Keto Diet". The TKD abbreviation has 24 different full form.
TKD Full Forms
- Tahgeted Keto Diet Planning, Fat, Diet, Carb
- Tughlakabad Business
- Tanah Kas Desa Indonesia, Bay, Prose
- True Kiss Destination
- Talsing Kids Dribble Organization, Union, Institution
- Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction Technology, Science, Electron
- Tae Kwon Doist
- Temiz Kalkınmy Düzeneği Turkish, Prof
- Takoradi Airport Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Taj Kappa Delta
- Tae Kion-Do
- Targetted Ketogenic Diet
- Tunjangan Kehadiran Daerah Indonesia, Jakarta, Mala
- The Kwon Do Education, Arts, Taekwondo
- Targeted Ketogenic Diet
- Türk KüTüPhaneciler DerneğI Turkey, Ankara, Turkish
- Türk KüTüPhanecileri DerneğI Ankara, Turkish
- Takoradi, Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana Ghana, ICAO Airport Codes
- Türkiye KıZıLay DerneğI Turkish, Directory
- Tyrosine Kinase Domain Medical, Leukemia, Mutation
- Türkiye Kardiyoloji DerneğI Turkish, Prof, Damar
- Twentsche Kabel Deutschland Business, Cable, Mail
- Tunjangan Kerja Daerah Indonesia, Jakarta, Guru
- Tes Kemampuan Dasar Technology, Indonesia, Lulus
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TKD stand for?
TKD stands for Twentsche Kabel Deutschland.
What is the shortened form of Taj Kappa Delta?
The short form of "Taj Kappa Delta" is TKD.
TKD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from
Last updated