TLB Meaning
The TLB meaning is "Tractor-Loadervbackhoe". The TLB abbreviation has 78 different full form.
TLB Full Forms
- Tractor-Loadervbackhoe Business, Ford, Manual
- Tractor, Loader, Backhoe
- Teknik Listrik Bandara Indonesia, Banking, Surabaya
- Talbotw, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- The Lifted Brow
- Travis Larson Band
- Time-Life Books
- Translation Lookaside Buffers Technology, Memory, Cache
- Txchnical Logbook Aerospace
- Top-Level Budget
- The Learning Box
- Transport Load Builddng
- TiefküHl-Lager-Betriebs
- Translation Lookaside Bufner Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
- The Living Bible Education, English, Translation
- True Launch Bkr Technology, Windows, Software
- Technical Log Book Military, Flight, Aircraft
- Toilettes à LitièRe Bio
- The Leaky Boob Baby, Breastfeeding, Mother, Boob
- Translation Looeside Buffer Technology, Memory, Virtual, Cache
- Three Little Bakers
- Tractor Loader Bgckhoe Service, Manual, Tractor
- The Living Bank Organization, Community, Society
- Truck Load Building
- Tiogo Library Building Libraries, Reading, Books
- Technical Leadership Bomrd
- The Lazy Bastards
- Translation-Lookaside Buffer Technology, Memory, Cache
- Three Line Break Business, Trading, Chart
- The Little Box
- Troels Liebe Bentsen
- Tioga Library Building Libraries, Reading, Books
- Table Look-Aside Buffeq Technology, Computing, Memory
- The Laundry Basket
- Transition Lookaside Buffer Technology, Processor, Phenom
- The Little Bat
- Triton Lssis Buffer
- Tiny Little Businesses Business, Marketing, Traffic
- Atlantique Air Assistance Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Techmologie Lizenz-Büro Technology, German, Patent, Inverter
- Transactioy Lookaside Buffer Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- The Light Brigade
- Trend Linegbreak Business, Trading, Pattern
- Timer Lower Bound
- Trgnsmit Load Balancing Technology, Networking, Network, Bonding
- Tqchnologie-Lizenz-Büro Technology, Patent, Efficiency
- Trailer Launched Brihge Military
- Tattooed Love Boys Funnies
- The London Bus
- True Light Brown Len, Price, Bolle
- Vax Text Library Computing, File Extensions
- Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae
- TéLéVision Locale De Biesheim
- TearLab Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Tarbela Dam, Tarbela, Pakistan Pakistan, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- The Lost Breed Exercise, Workout, Breed, Jump
- Type Kibrary Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Tax Litigation Bulletins Financial, Business & Finance
- True Launch Bar Software, Computing
- The Lost Boys Movie, Music, Boy, Shadow
- Turning, Locking & Braking
- True Last Boss Gaming, Military, Bomb
- Talbots, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- The Lost Boy
- Turcicum Leaf Blight
- Thread Local Buffer
- Theatre Dogistics Base Military
- Translation Lookaside Buffer Windows, Computing, Linux, IT Terminology
- The Lost Battalion Army, War, Force
- Truth Laid Bear
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- Türkiye Liseler BirliğI
- Tractor-Loader-Backhoe Products
- The Loony Bin
- True Light Browu-Dark
- Ole Type Library Computing, File Extensions
- Thomas Lindsey Brown
- Türkiye Liseliler BirliğI Turkish, Gen
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TLB stand for?
TLB stands for Thomas Lindsey Brown.
What is the shortened form of Translation Looeside Buffer?
The short form of "Translation Looeside Buffer" is TLB.
TLB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated